
TUESDAY, 4/8/14

Today’s Bible reading – Deuteronomy 32:28-52 Luke 12:35-59 Psalm 78:56-64 Proverbs 12:24

Miss Jay Love had a procedure done yesterday and it went well.  She was in good spirits afterwards and I “think” she is going to be discharged today.

Did not get to see Art but did visit with Debra for a few seconds.  Art is in a regular room and is doing well.  This has been a longer process than anticipated but Art is improving daily.

Miss Jackie Goff remains in ICU.  They have ruled out what they initially thought was wrong with her and were running some more tests yesterday.

Rusty Suthoff’s mother is in the hospital.  They are doing tests to determine exactly what is wrong with her but the doctor is leaning toward pneumonia as of now.  She will be in the hospital for at least another day or two.

Christy Wynn and Archie Sprinkle have both been discharged from the hospital.

Wow, the positive responses from this past Sunday services and the new Saturday night service were amazing!  Thank you to each person who sent an e-mail, called, or spoke directly to me about these matters.  It actually began in the meeting with the deacons on Sunday afternoon and just went from there.  What an encouragement and blessing!  God is good!

Evidently, Jack & Pee Wee did not get the “memo” as the t-ball game took place last night.  The field conditions were close to unplayable (or something like that) yet the game had to go on.  Titus’ team took it “on the chin” and I think it was because of the field conditions which in turn means it was the umpire’s (Pee Wee) fault!

If the Lord lets me live until next year, I may just let my grandchildren fill out my NCAA bracket!  UConn was a total surprise to me as I still believe UK had the most talent and should have won!  I suspect the UConn women’s team will win the title tonight as well.  It has been a fun three weeks as is the case each year.

BTW, Nanette did not even speak to me at church this past Sunday!  Due to that 5K thing and me not picking her daughter to win?   Is that being like Jesus?   You think she will be washing my feet any time soon?

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus!

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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