
FRIDAY, 1/16/09

I made a mistake!  Let that somber fact sink in for a few minutes before you continue to read this entry!  Yesterday, I inadvertently posted under “Wednesday” and would have never known if one of our faithful readers, our daughter, Deidra, had not written to chide me!  Does the heading change the message?  I posted somewhere around 5:30AM yesterday so that was only my tenth mistake of the day – I thought I was doing so good! 

The silver lining behind this is that at least I now know that our readership is back up to four folks!  I think Deidra didn’t want me to know that she was a closet reader but the need to correct my mistakes forced her hand!  Will we reach five? 

However, in spite of my mistakes, I think my day was a bit better than the girls on the Justice High School basketball team in Boulder, CO.  They played Frontier Academy this past Tuesday night and got beat by a score of 94 to 1 (as in no field goals scored at all!).  The score at the half was 48 – 0 so they did improve in the second half!  Wow!  Sort of like what it would be if I played Ross Genzink one on one!  However, I would let Ross score at least one field goal!

Speaking of Yankees, I am tired of hearing my Yankee & Canadian friends talk about how “cold” it is where they live!  It is 3:30AM and the temperature in Grand Bay, Alabama (according to weather.com) is 31 degrees with a wind chill of 21 degrees!  We are under a hard freeze warning!  Brutal, just plain brutal!  Folks, do not go outside unless it is an emergency! 

There has been no significant changes in any of the folks in the hospital or those battling cancer.  The funeral service for Mr. Jack Fort will take place tomorrow, 1/17, at noon from the chapel at Serenity Funeral Home.  It will be preceded by two hours of visitation with the family. 

Pancho, Rita, and the girls arrived safely about 5:00PM yesterday.  They went to see their house and Eddie Hall made them take their shoes off before entering – wow! 

We are still looking for folks to join Lottie’s Legion @ Friendship.  We are still collecting vitamins, over the counter pain medicines, and cough syrup.  January is the time for the members of the Friendship family to sign up for the November 16 – 23, 2009 GRACE trip. 

T. Garrett, tell Miss Bessie that I said hello!  I hope to see the members of the Friendship family in our services this Sunday – if the bitter cold doesn’t shut us down!  Finance committee members – your meeting is at 3:30PM Sunday! 

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus!

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

1 Comment

  • Clint Landry says:

    Make sure all of the folks in South Mobile County stock up on bread and milk today. With the freeze of ’09 in full swing, I wouldn’t want anyone to be stuck at home without plenty of bread and milk!

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