
THURSDAY, 11/20/14

Today’s Bible reading – Ezekiel 40:28-41:26 James 4:1-17 Psalm 118:19-29 Proverbs 28:3-5

Big day with the Thanksgiving meal for the senior adults of our community taking place in our CAB from 10:00AM until noon.  Pray that this will be a meaningful day of ministry.  If you are bringing a casserole, turkey, dessert, et cetera, please have it in the CAB by 9:00AM.

As far as I know, no significant changes in any of the folks for whom we have been praying.

Regular schedule this Sunday morning as far as the services are concerned.  A major addition will be the annual Bus Ministry Thanksgiving meal for the children, their parents and the bus workers.  That will take place in the CAB immediately following the 10:30AM service.

Good day in our services yesterday/last night.  We had several guests in our evening service and also during the 7:30PM Bible study which is always a good thing.  God gives the increase and we give Him the glory!

Pattie Suthoff commented on yesterday’s entry about those whining men in her house.  I had just spoken to Dana Faucette and Amy Reynolds about whining at church last night.  I thought we were supposed to be “being thankful” instead of “complaining?” Am I complaining about those complaining?

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |


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