
WEDNESDAY, 5/13/09

Dawn Autin is scheduled for surgery today.  They will be grafting skin from her leg to her thumb/hand area.  Pray for her as I don’t think they have ever determined the exact cause of her infection. 

Bro. Jerry & Tena Hovel have a nephew who is 15 years old and he scheduled for surgery too.  It was scheduled for today but I am not sure if it is still on due to some other problems.  At any rate, pray for him. 

I have not heard from Maxine Rogers as to how she did during her procedure yesterday.  Brenda Poiroux was thinking she would be discharged but I don’t know if that happened either.  Continue to pray for those folks battling cancer. 

T. Garrett Wright came by the office yesterday and I enjoyed our time in conversation.  He is set to graduate this Sunday with his doctor’s degree as a lawyer.  Congratulations are in order to him and all of our graduates!  By the way, we will be recognizing our graduates this Sunday during the 10:30AM service. 

We are on a regular schedule today with one change – our 7:00PM Bible study/prayer time will take place in the open area of the fellowship hall as the children’s choir will be having a dress rehearsal in the auditorium. 

Today takes me down memory lane as it was 39 years ago today that my maternal grandfather passed away very unexpectedly.  I was a nine year old boy but I remember the events of that day as though they happened yesterday.  I remember our Pastor, Bro. Jack Freeman, coming to the house to comfort & pray with my mama.  I will be thinking of, and praying for, my mama and her siblings today. 

Again, thanks to those from the Friendship family who have encouraged me to blog daily as it helps you keep up with the prayer requests. 

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus. 

Written by Teddie in: Daily |


  • Rex Looney says:

    I have missed your blogs.

  • Laurie Chandler says:

    I have missed your blogs too.

  • Ritiachula says:

    I am praying for you. Miss your blogs! Have a blessed Wednesday.

  • Melissa Turrentine Smallwood says:

    me too, you messed up my morning routine for a little while!

  • T. Garrett Wright says:

    Brother Teddie,
    I appreciate your congratulations and would also like to acknowledge that God truly provided both the opportunity as well as the ability and motivation for me to finish law school. I am convinced that God has a plan for my life that will somehow require this hard-fought sheet of paper.
    I am amazed at each time I look back and find that I just raised a sail and God provided both wind and direction. The sea is so wide, and my boat is so small but indeed God is good to me and always with me.
    I enjoyed meeting Coach Chris and seeing you. I am glad that you are blogging; in addition to the prayer requests the blog provides a way for me to stay connected to my home church and my church family. The community of Friendship is one I am proud to be a part of and by which I am always encouraged.

  • Reb says:

    I just wanted to add my voice that as I was away in ME… your blog kept me up to date with the happenings at home… It is good to be back. Your blogs would be sorely missed.

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