
FRIDAY, 4/18/15

Today’s Bible reading – Joshua 15:1-63 Luke 18:18-43 Psalm 86:1-17 Proverbs 13:9-10

Rachel Jackson’s nephew, Phillip, begins his bone marrow transplant today in Atlanta.  His younger sister is the donor.  He should be in the hospital for around the next three months.

My plan is to do some mowing today but as of right now, 2:15AM, it is raining at the house.  Yesterday afternoon provided an opportunity to do some mowing but there was not enough time between the end of the work day and Titus’ tee ball game last night.  Maybe later today I can do some mowing even if it is with the push mower.  Time will tell.

BTW, as far as I know, we had no rain at the house yesterday which was the first day this week that has been true.  I do not question God as He definitely knows what He is doing.

Speaking of tee ball, last night Riley Reynolds smashes a ball into left field.  Probably going to be at least a triple, maybe a home run.  Great hit!  However, our favorite umpire, Pee Wee, steps in and calls “no pitch!”  No pitch?  Folks, it is tee ball!  The ball is on a tee!  There is never a pitch!  UPW (umpire Pee Wee) said the pitcher was not on the mound.  Really?  There is no pitcher!  Why does President Jack Lastorka allow this to happen week after week?  I may write Senator Sessions!  (Or at least call David Sessions!)

I am predicting that Alabama and Auburn will both win their respective football games tomorrow!  I just hope no players get injured.

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.


Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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