
FRIDAY, 9/4/15

Today’s Bible reading –  Ecclesiastes 7:1-9:18 2 Corinthians 7:8-16 Psalm 48:1-14 Proverbs 22:17-19

Carla Kyser received two bags of fluid yesterday.  She was feeling some better.  She and I talked and have set aside the 10:30AM service on Sunday, October 18, as our “Hope” Sunday.  Courtney Hubbard has agreed to join us again this year.  Other plans are in the works.  It is going to be a great day so mark it on your calendar!

Received word that Herbert’s niece had a rough night on Wednesday.  Keep praying for her.

Debbie K sent me an e-mail saying that Brian is making improvements again.  What a roller coaster ride for him and his family.

Did not talk to Rusty about his grandmother’s situation.

Our first night of TNBA on a Thursday went ok.  We had one newbie, Kenny Cooper, and seven veterans.  Folks like Levi Seymour, Kyle Bryant, Randall Broome, Johnny Five, Joey Guidry, Rusty Suthoff, Bradley Phillips, Ryan Hatcher, et cetera were obviously afraid to show up – something about bringing their “A” game.  Phillip Turner literally waited until I had removed my shoes before making an appearance.  TJ Vice, Dylan Westbrook, James Mareno and I were on the same team.  I am not going to say that we dominated but. . . .

Did catch some college football last night.  Watched the second half of the Utah/Michigan game.  Saw a little of the UNC/SC game before going to TNBA.  I will write more about Saturday’s games in the morning (if I do not forget).

It is 3:30AM and Lisa is demanding that I get to Walmart and have groceries bought and put away before daybreak – wow!  She is complaining about things that she is out of and is criticizing my grocery buying abilities!  She got up to demand/complain and went back to bed.

What did I do on my day of vacation?  Had a meeting, set up our Sunday School room, did some financial stuff, and then mowed for a couple of hours (stress relief) before going to TNBA.  It was a good day.

I will be on vacation the week of September 14 as Pastor Terry Rainey and I will be traveling to Guatemala.  Going to watch the children from the feeding center march in the Independence Day parades and to just enjoy some down time.  I go on mission trips to work but this trip is intended to be a time of relaxation – even going to Lake Atitlan one day.

Got to get to Walmart before she wakes up!  Hope you have a great Friday with Jesus.



Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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