
FRIDAY, 9/11/15

9/11 – that date and the way I (we) view it forever changed fourteen years ago.  You may think “you are giving the terrorist what they wanted in part by writing about that day.”  That is not my concern.  My concern is for the Americans and others needlessly killed on that Tuesday morning.  My concern is for their families today as they recall the horrific events of that morning.  I have prayed for those families this morning.

My concern is for where we have gone in our own country since that horrible day.  Police officers being attacked and killed.  Shots being fired into vehicles as they travel I-10 in Arizona.  High school football players needlessly tackling a game official from behind with the intent to hurt him.  The list goes on.  We, as a nation, are not getting better.  We are on that proverbial “slippery slope” to destruction as far as I see it and terrorists will not be required to push us off as we are handling that ourselves.

So, that is it for this entry.  Pray for the families of those killed in the 9/11 attacks.  Pray for the USA!  Pray for the church!

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |


  • Bill Kendrick says:

    Well said, the first prime minister of Israel was quoted, “FORGIVE,BUT NEVER FORGET”. May God help me to forgive. Please send the letter as indicated below.

    Fourteen years ago terror struck American soil – killing thousands.
    Three years ago terrorists murdered American diplomats.
    Have we forgotten?
    President Obama has made a “deal” with the largest state sponsor of terror, allowing the Islamic Republic of Iran to race toward nuclear weapons. Even worse, it abandons American Pastor Saeed Abedini to suffer in prison for his Christian faith.
    It’s unthinkable, but President Obama’s allies in the Senate have just filibustered to force this deadly deal that leaves U.S. hostages behind.
    But we’re not backing down. We’re directly engaged globally with a team traveling to the U.N. in just days. We’ve mobilized our international offices to vigorously advocate for Pastor Saeed’s freedom – all part of a comprehensive strategy for his release.
    This may be your final chance to join our massive letter-writing campaign to the U.N. urging pressure on Iran’s president.
    Write a letter for Pastor Saeed, and we’ll deliver it. He needs your voice now.
    Send an Emergency Letter for Saeed: Demand Pressure on Iran. Go to to submit the letter.

    Jay Sekulow
    ACLJ Chief Counsel

  • Reb says:

    Please pray for our daughter, Holly as she was told yesterday that she has breast cancer. .

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