
SATURDAY, 10/10/15

Today’s Bible reading – Jeremiah 14:11-16:15 1 Thessalonians 2:9-3:13 Psalm 80:1-19 Proverbs 25:1-5

Deidra and I visited Cynthia Cumbie in the hospital last night.  I had spoken to Caroline via the phone earlier in the day.  She really is not any better but it appears they will send her home under medical care.  Cynthia seemed to think that could be as early as today but Caroline believes early next week.  Pray for Cynthia.

Teddy Ray’s mother remains hospitalized.  They may do a procedure on her heart next week.  Keep praying.

Carla K begins radiation treatments on her back on Monday.  This is for pain management/relief.

Regular schedule tomorrow morning and evening.  We have the meeting at 4:30PM if anyone is interested.  Hopefully, the Q&A sheet answered most, if not all, questions.  The Finance Committee will meet at 5:00PM.

I still do not know what time the revival services with Evangelist Michael Mason begin at 1st Gautier Monday and Tuesday nights.  Dr. Rex, will let me know?

I am now the owner of a 1953-1955 Farmall Super A tractor.  I bought it from Charles and he bought it from Stan Stickler years ago.  He says he gave me a “good” deal on it as he only charged me $13,712.69.  (I am just trying to be like Tim Knighten!)

I know you are anxiously awaiting my college football picks so here it goes.  This week’s winners will be Marshall, UGA, Florida, LSWho and Bama.  (Probably should pick against Bama based on last week’s outcome)

BTW, I never hear from Louise Mason unless she needs money (which means she contacts me on the first of each month when her rent is due) or Arkansas beats Bama.  I am in hopes that I do not hear from her until 11/1!

Lord willing, I am heading to Tuscaloosa today.  Soy is going as my designated driver.  I plan on being in all three services tomorrow.

I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.



Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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