
THURSDAY, 1/7/16

Friendship family’s verse for 2016 – “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading – Job 14 – 16

Eddie Whitmore’s physical condition continues to decline.  He was moved from the ICU into a room yesterday but certainly not because he has made any improvement.  Jerry, Gloria & Sierra are faithfully standing beside Eddie.  I am really glad that he was able to move here in order to be with family especially in a time such as this.  Pray for Eddie and his family.

Miss Annie Rogers was moved to a room but I do not know if she was discharged from the hospital.  I am thinking that she was not.  I plan on visiting with her today.

Visited with Gerald Brannan yesterday.  Mary Kay said that he was having a better day than the day before.  He has been placed under hospice care while in the hospital.

Holly Lybarger had another treatment yesterday.  Up to this point, the treatments have been really tough on Holly so pray that this one will not be as severe.

Carla K could get some results back from her scan today or tomorrow but more likely it will be next week.

Visited with Louis & Carmen Reyer yesterday.  Louis is really struggling to breathe and certainly needs our prayer support.

Really good day in our services/Bible studies yesterday/last night.  Good attendance and good spirit.  Lisa did a nice job with the meal last night.  Those young adults love taco soup and Butterfinger cake!

The first evangelism class begins tonight at 7:00PM in the youth building.  It is “possible” that Jonny will add a second night based on the response from the group tonight.  If so, each class will be limited to twenty five participants.  Interested?  Contacting Jonny or me today would be helpful.

Had three comments on yesterday’s blog which is like a record!  One from Reb, one from a really famous worship leader and one from a Pentecostal!  The two Baptists just wanted to point out my error (LOL) but the Pentecostal gave an encouraging word – thanks Donald!

Five of our ten readers contacted me to say that they are using the blog as their guide for reading through the Bible in 2016.  That is almost fifty percent of our readers!  Is that amazing or what?

The Colts keep Pagano and then the Bucs fire Lovie just seemingly out of the blue.  Wow!

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.



Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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