
TUESDAY, 5/17/16

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading –  2 Samuel 16-18

The forces of evil are very alive and very well!  I was involved in three different situations yesterday that underscored that fact big time! All I can do is to ask that we pray for one another.  I do know this – God is bigger!

Hilda Gunter had a heart cath yesterday afternoon.  It revealed some blockage but not enough for any corrective surgical measures.  They will be treating her with medication.

Rev told me Sunday that their daughter, Holly, is actually doing pretty good as she continues to take her treatments.

Carla Kyser is in contact with the Anderson Hospital in Texas.  It is possible they could suggest a different treatment option.  She is in a holding pattern right now.

Courtney Hubbard goes to Houston tomorrow for consultation, et cetera and then gets her first treatment on Monday, 5/23.

I was able to see everyone that I planned on seeing in the convalescent home yesterday morning with one exception.  Miss Carmen Reyer was fast asleep but all of the others seemed to be doing good.

Our prayer time was pretty well attended last night.  I thought about suspending it for the months of June & July but felt a definite prompting from the Lord last night to not do that.  So, we will continue each Monday night with an exception here and there i.e. Memorial Day, July 4, et cetera.  I firmly believe that God called me to this time of prayer so I will continue to do as He has said.  I am very appreciative to those who take part in this ministry.

There will be a meeting in the auditorium tonight at 6:30PM for anyone involved/interested in our student ministry.  This will be a time of discussion and sharing of ideas.  We will not be making any decisions.  How long will it will last?  IDK but I plan on it not taking longer than one hour.

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.


Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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