
WEDNESDAY, 5/18/16

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading – Psalms 26; 40; 58; 61-62; 64

Today is an important day for Dave & Becky Sellers as they will learn the results of the latest tests.  Please pray for them this morning.

Saw Carla Kyser last night but did not ask her if she has heard anything from Texas.  Just keep praying.

Hilda Gunter was discharged from the hospital yesterday morning and is resting at home.

Eddie Albritton has finally run out of excuses to keep missing basketball on Sunday nights!  Basically, the doctor told him to “man up” and keep playing.  Actually, he has a hip labral tear and they will eventually give him a shot.  If that does not work, then they would do a surgical procedure.  Long story short – he scared!

We had, in my opinion, a really good meeting last night regarding our student ministry.  Twenty nine folks showed up and gave good input and insights.  Tonight will see Jonny Gaston teaching our senior high Bible study and Jim Chinners teaching our middle school Bible study.  Our ultimate goal is to build our student ministry spiritually and numerically while making disciples.

The Alma Bryant High School Class of 2016 will graduate this morning at 10:00AM in the USA Mitchell Center.  Obviously, I have a scheduling conflict because of our morning service but I say “congratulations” to each of the graduates from the Friendship family.

Regular schedule for the Friendship family today with our morning service at 10:00AM and the evening Bible studies/classes at 6:30PM.  Children’s choir at 5:30PM.

The fare for the 7:30PM Bible study will be baked spaghetti, caesar salad, bread, drink and dessert.  I can promise you that it will be a spread as Lisa always does well.

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.



Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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