
TUESDAY, 9/1/09

I am typing this post at 6:00PM having just returned from the hospital.  Miss Vivian Ladnier is in an ICU and the doctors say that she is “very” sick.  She is on a ventilator and they have her sedated.  She went for a procedure yesterday morning and it has simply gone down hill from there with her being placed in the ICU early this morning.  Pray for her and her family.

I was told while at the hospital that Whitney Bryant did not have the scan done today but is now scheduled for Thursday. 

It is my understanding that one of the Walker girls (Amy’s daughter) is very sick and is possibly in the hospital.

Marisa Felps e-mailed me to say that Carla had gotten a positive report from her latest scan.  She will meet with another doctor on Thursday. 

Gerald Poiroux is not doing well and I am not sure why unless is simply taking his body some time to heal from his surgery.  Wanda Jordan told me today that Joyce Hacker is doing better day by day.  Betty Neal continues to recover at home also.  It was good to see Miss Joyce Bosarge in our service this past Sunday. 

Pastor Travis Northcutt e-mailed today to say that his maternal grandmother, Merle Phillips, has been diagnosed with cancer.  Please pray for her and all of the needs listed. 

My trip to Guatemala was quick!  However, the Lord blessed with on time flights and safety in the air and on the highways.  I was able to see/meet with Mike Clark, Jack Ciak, Paul & Cristy Leytham, Wilfred & Shirley Johnson, Louise Mason, Tico Vargas, John & Laurie King & their grandson, Josh.  I felt that is was a productive trip!  I dropped Samuel off at this house and I guess he ran to Reyna’s house b/c I never saw or heard from him again – LOL!

Tico assures me that we are going to have 250 folks at the pastors’ conference.  We need scholarships.  Each pastor attending will be given a book mirroring the conference theme which is “Resist The Devil” (James 4:7).  These are costing a “pretty penny” but we are getting them in Guatemala.  I appreciate all those who have helped and those who will help financially. 

My dog is calling my name so I better check on him.  Thanks for taking the time to read this entry.

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

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