
FRIDAY, 7/8/16

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading –  2 Kings 15; 2 Chronicles 26

The visitation with Claire’s family will take place tomorrow night, 7/9, from 6:00 – 8:00PM at the Holder Wells Funeral Home in Moss Point, MS.  The service will take place at noon on Sunday from the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Pascagoula, MS.  Our Sunday School class will be providing a meal for Phillip and Claire Belle early next week.  Pray for Claire and her family.

Because of social media, you do not need me to tell you that the GRACE team arrived safe and sound in Guatemala yesterday afternoon.  We thank God for traveling mercies.  They will begin the ministry portion of their trip today.

David Bosarge is one of the participants on the trip and he would be greeted with the news that his mother, Miss Maxine, was diagnosed with leukemia yesterday afternoon.  Treatment options are being considered.

Visited with Sharon Jardee yesterday and she was doing good considering all of the surgeries she has been through in the  last couple of weeks.  Her attitude is extremely positive!

Visited with Vic Johnson in ICU.  They decided to wait until today to run the tests to determine the reason for his blood loss.  He was also in good spirits.

Bernard Suthoff saw the doctor yesterday and now has an appointment with a radiation oncologist.  He will have between twenty five to forty radiation treatments.  The doctor is encouraged that all will go well.

The events in Dallas last night are extremely disturbing to me.  Our country has gone crazy!  Lives matter regardless of the skin color.  Lives matter – even those still in the womb!  Where is the outrage over those lives being taken on a daily basis?  Our law enforcement officials are in a most difficult situation and certainly need our prayer support.

The yard is calling my name.  Garden is done with the exception of okra.  Was thinking of planting more corn but have pretty much talked myself out of that notion.  The grass is going so fast that I cannot keep up.  Rusty sent me a message yesterday saying that he is on day shift today but that he can help cut grass for maybe fifteen or twenty minutes once he gets home before he goes out for the night – are you serious!

Deidra keeps telling me how “wonderful” Soy is by his using the weed eater around the mission house in Guatemala.  Well, I hope he remains “wonderful” whenever he gets home as we have an unending supply of weed eating needs here.  I would love for her to get a picture as I have never seen Soy use a weed eater!

Regular schedule this Sunday morning and evening.

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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