
WEDNESDAY, 11/9/16

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.”  (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading – Matthew 26; Mark 14

It is with a sad heart that I share that Courtney Cavin’s dad, Calvin Crist, passed from this life early this morning.  His body was racked with infection.  Pray for his family especially his wife, mother and children.  Obviously, the arrangements are pending.  I do want to say “thanks” to Coach Eric Collier for being with the family during those last hours of Calvin’s life.

Did not get a chance to hear from Tim or Peggy about yesterday’s visit.  Will hear today.

Miss Mary Jackson was doing well yesterday per Bro. Jerry.

“Potluck with the pastor” this morning immediately following our morning service.  Kirk & Michelle Lightfield will be our special guests in both services today.  I hope many folks will join us for the meal.  Lisa has already begun cooking the roast.  We will also provide the bread and drinks.  You bring the sides and desserts.  Bring a friend or two as well.

Our daughter, Daphne, and Rita Broome worked hard to get us enough fruit salads for the senior adult meal.  Then Cecil sends me a message saying we need six more.  Two have been covered.  So, we need four more (Katie Tillman, Claire Turner, two others?) fruit salads.  BTW, Rita helped because that is what she does.  Daphne helped because she was tired of my blogs!

Thank you to each person who volunteered to cook for the senior adult meal.  Wow, what a great and quick response!  I am going to check with Cecil but I do not want any senior adult cooking for this meal.  Just need to check her list!

The USA has elected a new president.  Folks, I am most excited about the new vice president.  Did your hear his speech last night as he introduced the president elect?  He is a follower of Jesus Christ.  I am happy about that fact!  (Personally, I did not think Bill Clinton would have made a good first lady!)

The fare for the college Bible study will be roast, mashed potatoes, beans, dessert and drinks.  It will be delicious!

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.




Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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