
WEDNESDAY, 12/7/16

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.”  (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading – Acts 20:1-3; Romans 1-3

The attack on Pearl Harbor took place almost nineteen years before I was born.  However, it is a day that is etched into my memory.  So, today I remember that fateful day as this is the seventy fifth anniversary of that attack.  I realize many of our younger generation do not think much about that attack but it is a very important day in the history of our country.  I salute those USA military personnel who served in the second World War.  What a great generation!

Miss Kathleen Henderson remains hospitalized.

Belinda Baggett and family have been attending our services for a few weeks.  She is scheduled to have an outpatient surgery today.

Rita Broome sent me a message saying there were ten salvation decisions at McKemie place last night.  Praise the Lord!

Regular schedule today/tonight.  Bro. Jerry will teach in my place and Jim Chinners will teach all of the students.  The fare for the 7:30PM Bible study is Pizza Hut pizza.

Things are going well for the GRACE Ministries team in Guatemala.  They saw over two hundred children yesterday at the two block parties and were able to give some (most?) of those children the only Christmas gift they will receive this year.

The evening saw another fifteen families gather for a meal and then each family received a basket of goodies i.e. food staples and some special treats.  I wish each supporter of GRACE Ministries could be present to see/hear these folks as they share their gratefulness for all that is being done for their families.  Good stuff!

The team did receive some sad news in that Marc Van Dam did not get home before is brother passed from this life yesterday morning.  Pray for the Van Dam family as they walk through this valley.

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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