
FRIDAY, 1/6/17

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10

Today’s Bible reading – Genesis 16 – 17;    Matthew 5:27 – 48

Miss Maxine Rogers, mother of David Bosarge, passed from this life early last night.  The doctor had told the family yesterday morning that Miss Maxine probably had around twelve hours of life on this earth and they were fairly close to be exactly correct.  Pray for the family as they make arrangements and walk through this time of sorrow.  (The family is “thinking” Monday night visitation and Tuesday service but that has not been finalized yet)

Ruby Gulley’s surgery took place yesterday afternoon.  I went by and visited/prayed with her yesterday morning and then Bro. Jerry covered the actual surgery.  As far as I know, everything went well.  Pray for Ruby.

Darlene McGaster was discharged from the hospital yesterday morning.  Can you say “happy camper?”

The funeral service for Jennifer Brown’s maternal grandmother takes place today at 2:00PM in Aberdeen, Mississippi.  Pray for the family.

Young Holin Saucer had heart surgery in Atlanta yesterday and did well.  Pray for her.

Visited with Carla Kyser yesterday.  We had a good visit once we got Elizabeth Malone out of the room – just saying!  Carla was probably “some” better yesterday but still needs much fervent prayer.

I was able to make some in home visits yesterday afternoon as well as visit the convalescent homes.  I was pleasantly surprised when Miss Carmen Reyer recognized me, called my name and engaged in a meaningful conversation as that has not been the case in several months.  God is good.

Keep praying for those battling cancer.  Always a prayer need!

My dad got into a fight with a table saw this past Wednesday afternoon and, according to the middle three fingers on his left hand, the saw won!  He received something like nineteen stitches in those three fingers.  I so appreciate my sister-in-law, Sue, being there to get him to the emergency room and then getting dad and mama back home late Wednesday night.  Sue is a sweetheart but I want her to know that then I will tell her personally.

This blog’s readership fluctuates between twelve and thirteen readers daily.  One or two of those live in the North so this is for them.  The weather folks are calling for a possible snow fall of up to three inches in parts of East/Central Alabama today!  Therefore, our governor has declared a state of emergency for today!  Many school systems have cancelled classes for today.  Folks are being encouraged to stock up on supplies and stay off the roads.  Look it up on al.com.  And Mark Mast thinks they are the only ones dealing with Winter weather!  (By the way, the real temperature in Rainy River, Canada was negative twenty nine degrees yesterday morning!).

Men’s breakfast in the morning, 1/7, from 8:00 – 9:00AM.  Fellowship hall.  All men invited to attend.

Nanette invited me over for hot chocolate this morning due to our cold weather (high of around forty four degrees today).  I declined as I told her it would not look right since we used to date.  So, she countered with an offer to go to a local restaurant which would be a public place.  I suggested Waffle House and she suggested the truck stop.  I stuck with my suggestion and she got really irritated at me.  Her final reply to me as she slammed the phone down was “you know the Waffle House has a no smoking policy!”  What does that even mean?

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus!


Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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