
SATURDAY, 1/14/17

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10

Today’s Bible reading – Genesis 33-35; Matthew 10:1-20

Marie Brooks’ heart cath showed some blockage but nothing requiring any stents or surgery.  So that is good news!

Bro. Jerry was in Mobile yesterday so he made the other hospital visits but I did not contact him last night for an update.

A new chapter begins in Friendship basketball this morning at 8:00AM.  Pray for this ministry.

Our bus workers meet this morning at 8:30AM before going on visitation.  Pray for this ministry too.

Regular schedule tomorrow morning and evening.  I know folks are super excited about tomorrow’s morning message as it will be on giving!  I fully anticipate folks lining up early to get into the auditorium!  On a serious note, I am so thankful that God has given and that He allows Lisa and me to give in a small way.  It is truly “more blessed to give than to receive!”

Be sure and read my earlier entry about the “Children of the World” choir coming to Friendship on February 12!

Well, I was fired from coaching by our new “commissioner” Mr. Taylor.  However, when the need arose yesterday for someone to go to Mobile during the evening rush hour to pick up the uniforms, who gets the call?  If you guessed me, you are correct!  Folks, do I look like Mr. UPS, Will Reynolds?  Will is taller, thinner, much younger, darker, way more good looking and has more gray hairs than me – how could anyone confuse us as being one and the same?  But being the man that I am, I made the trek into Mobile to “help” the commissioner out of a bind!  (Actually, Lisa told me I was going or else!).

The “commissioner” contacts me at 10:00PM last night to inform me the scoreboard is not working – hello!  Do I look like a scoreboard mechanic?  Who waits until a few hours before the first game to check such important things?  It is going to be a long season!

Nanette basically pulled a fast one on me yesterday.  It was my “off” day but she begged me to come to sit with her during her mom’s cath as she would be all alone.  Well, Marie has been a good church member for many, many (ninety five, I think) years so I decided to do it for Marie.  They have to be at the hospital at 8:00AM, cath at 9:00AM, thirty minute procedure and I am out of there around 9:30 – 9:45AM.  I can handle that.  Not so fast my friend!

They did not take Marie until the afternoon – what is up with that?  I have a connection in the hospital who would later share with me that Mrs Brooks daughter had requested that her mother be the last cath patient of the day!  Are you kidding me?  I had prayed with Marie and tried to leave several times.  Each time I would go to leave, Nanette would begin to shed those crocodile tears and say, “what if something is wrong.  You cannot leave me here by myself!”

I knew I was in trouble when the first thing Nanette asked me was if I liked her jacket?  I was like, “sure!”  She then told me it was the jacket she wore on our first date in 1979 – wow!  The volunteer put Nanette and me in the little room to hear from the doctor after the procedure was complete.  There were two chairs and one love seat.  Do I need to tell you where she wanted us to sit?  I drew the proverbial “line in the sand” and got out of that room as soon as the good doctor said all was well!

I was so shaken by the events of yesterday that I “may” not have all of the details exactly correct!  Just saying!

I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.





Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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