

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10

Today’s Bible reading – Deuteronomy 4-6; Mark 11:1-18

Received word from Jenni Baggett yesterday morning that her great uncle, Norm Popma, (Lois Kirschenman’s brother) was in the hospital.  Lisa and I went to visit and I knew upon seeing him that he did not have much time left on this earth.  He passed from this life very soon after that visit.  As I understand it, it was Norm’s request to not have any type service and the family plans on honoring that request.  Pray for Scott & Jennifer as they handle all of the details.

Phil Sims called me late yesterday afternoon to let me know that the doctor was pleased with the outcome of Darron’s surgery.  Just keep praying for Darron, Angela & Whitney.

George Versiga was admitted to the hospital on Monday night.  Lisa and I also visited him.  He is battling pneumonia but “thinks” he may be discharged either today or tomorrow.

Of course we continue to pray for Irma Hamilton, Becky Sellers and Lisa Thompson in their respective battles against cancer.  All three are at home.

Rita Broome sent me a message saying there were four salvation decisions at McKemie Place in last night’s service.  Praise the Lord!  She also said the women thoroughly enjoyed the collards and cornbread!  Thank you to all who were involved.

Regular schedule this morning and evening.  All of our students, 6th – 12th, will meet together tonight in the youth building.  Please note this change.

Rusty, who only comes to church every other Sunday, wanted me to share that the final evaluation for the Spring soccer leagues takes place this Saturday, 3/11, from 9:00 – 11:00AM at the church.  Need more information?  Contact Phillip Turner or Rusty Suthoff.

The NCAA basketball conference tournaments have begun so “March Madness” is just around the corner.  Hooray!  This is a boring time of the year for me as far as sports are concerned.  However, I have been basically dominating the SNBA lately.  So much so that Levi Seymour, Johnny Five and Phillip Turner did not even show up this past Sunday night.  Just saying!

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.

P.S. – Do not forget that time changes this Sunday, 3/12, which means you must set your clock ahead (spring forward) by one hour on Saturday night!

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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