
TUESDAY, 4/18/17

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10

Today’s Bible reading –  2 Samuel 3-5; Luke 14:25-35

Caroline Ford was originally scheduled to have surgery today but her blood count remains so low that surgery is not an option at this time.  They will be doing a test today to try and understand why her blood count is staying low.

Elizabeth Sessions will be having a procedure on Thursday to begin the process of eliminating some of her kidney stones.  She has somewhere around twenty (20) stones with at least one being really large.  Those of you who have experience with kidney stones can certainly feel her pain!  (I thank God that I am not in that number!)

Maria Wainwright’s mother is at home in Louisiana.  Maria is there with her.  Not exactly sure what the latest update is but do know that Mrs. Hamilton continues to be physically low.  Keep praying.

“Potluck with the pastor” takes place tomorrow, 4/19, immediately following our 10:00AM service.  The meat (roast beef), bread and drinks will be provided.  You are asked to bring the sides and desserts.  Please bring enough for whoever is coming with you plus one or two more.  Pass the word!  Come join us for great food and even greater fellowship!

Lisa and I will be driving into a foreign country (Mississippi) today to visit with a pastor friend and his wife.  They are faced with a difficult challenge in their ministry and we are simply going to talk, pray and encourage them through this time.

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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