
THURSDAY, 4/20/17

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10

Today’s Bible reading –  2 Samuel 9-11; Luke 15:11-32

Phil Sims is scheduled to have a heart cath at some point today.  There is a problem with his heart that appears to be a birth defect and the doctor is talking about sending Phil to Houston, Texas to have it repaired.  Pray for Phil.  Lord willing, I will be visiting with Phil this morning.  He is in a military hospital and getting in can sometimes be a challenge.

Elizabeth Sessions is scheduled to have a kidney stone(s?) blasted today.  She has twenty and I think they intend on going after the largest one which is said to be the size of a quarter – ouch!  Pray for Elizabeth.

Caroline Ford’s tests revealed a bleeding ulcer and diverticulitis.  Not sure what the plan of action is from this point forward but at least they have something to work from now.

Talked to Maria Wainwright yesterday and, as of that time, there had been no significant change in her mother’s physical condition.  Just keep praying.

We had a good day in our services yesterday.  “Potluck with the pastor” went well.  My wife, Lisa, and Marisa Felps did an outstanding job of hosting that meal.  The roast was extremely good as were the side dishes and desserts.  I appreciate each person who participated in this fellowship.

Well, yesterday weather.com had us with an eighty percent chance of rain this Saturday morning.  They have now changed that to twenty percent.  According to their forecast, the next “good” possibility of rain for us is a sixty percent chance on Saturday, April 29.  You think they will change that forecast again before then?  Hour by hour it seems.  God knows and we have to trust Him.  Thank God for well water when it comes to watering the garden.

So far I have managed to squeeze in “zero” seconds of watching the NBA playoffs.  I did read that the number one seeded Boston Celtics are 0 – 2 in their first round series.  Breaks my heart!

Alabama’s spring scrimmage is this Saturday, 4/22.  Will I attend?  No.  I would not attend if they were paying folks to do so.  May watch some of it on television but probably not.

Bobby and the Nationals are winning their division again.  They totally routed the Braves last night.  I miss Bobby being around here.

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.



Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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