
TUESDAY, 6/6/17

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10

Today’s Bible reading – 2 Chronicles 25-27; John 16

Kevin Vice’s mother is seemingly in the last hours of her life.  She has not eaten or had anything to drink in over a week.  However, she seems to be resting comfortably.  Kevin & Rita are faithfully sitting beside her which brings great comfort to her as well.   Update – Kevin’s mother just passed from this life around 6:30AM.  Pray for Kevin and family.

Tommy Johnson had several tests performed on him yesterday and, as of about 4:00PM yesterday, they had not revealed the cause of his episodes on Sunday night.  As usual, Tommy has a great attitude and is trusting the Lord.  Pray that the medical folks can give him some answer.

Tommy Watson seemed better to me yesterday.  He still cannot communicate verbally but he did express his appreciation for the prayer support.  His road to recovery will be long so keep praying for Tommy.

Helen Hatcher is doing better.  She could probably go home but they are being extra cautious and monitoring everything.  I was thinking yesterday that Helen is certainly blessed to have Ross & Betty Clair as her parents.  Ross & Betty Clair have been satisfied with every aspect of the hospital with the exception of one night shift nurse.  I told them that no hospital is perfect.

Fannie Fortenberry was discharged from the hospital yesterday.

Vera Bosarge has a nephew who underwent two major surgeries this past Sunday.  Pray that these procedures have corrected his problems.

How did the first day of our 2017 VBS go?  Great question.  My answer is IDK.  Let me explain – one of our bus drivers got their bus stuck while bringing folks to VBS.  How stupid is that?  (I would mention women drivers here but I will refrain)  At any rate, Jeff Holifield and Morris Bryant had to be called into action to take the children to VBS and then pull the bus out of the mud.  I “helped” them and then went to check on Kevin’s mother before heading to the hospitals.  So, I literally never even talked to anyone about our numbers, et cetera.  By the way, our VBS director, Myrtle Bowden, fired that bus driver!  Good job Myrtle!

Happy birthday to Deidra.  How old?  Really?

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.


Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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