
SATURDAY, 6/10/17

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10

Today’s Bible reading – 2 Chronicles 34-36; John 19:1-22

Helen Hatcher did have the MRI yesterday morning and did ok through the procedure.  The results came back that she does have a blood clot.  So, she will remain in the hospital a few more days as they regulate her medicines.  Keep praying for Helen.

Larry Whitehurst’s MRI revealed that his tumor had increased in size but not to a point that the doctor wanted to take any action at this time.  He will have his usual MRI in six months.

Tommy Watson remains about the same.  Long road in front of him.  Not sure what the long term prognosis is.  Pray for Tommy.

Larry said his brother, Charlie, is recovering.  Hoped to be moved from CCU either yesterday afternoon or today.

Vera’s nephew remains hospitalized too.

Bus workers meeting this morning at 8:30AM.  Pray for these workers and this ministry.

Regular schedule in the morning – worship at 8:00AM & 10:30AM.  Sunday School at 9:15AM.

VBS family night tomorrow night beginning at 5:00PM.  We will have hot dogs, chips and drinks for our VBS children and their families immediately following the service.  That will basically be a “grab & go” deal as some of the children will be riding the buses home.

We need men to let us know that they will be in the cake baking contest next Sunday, 6/18.  Ditto for the homemade ice cream contest.

As it stands right now, the CAB will be closed the week of June 19 – 24 as the floor will be painted.  Just FYI.

You cannot fix stupid!  I told Lisa like Tuesday or Wednesday that I would end up at Serenity for Claude Landry’s dad’s celebration of life service even though it was taking place at Mobile Memorial Gardens Funeral Home.  I was in Mobile doing the hospitals and timed it perfectly to arrive at the funeral home at 11:55AM!  One problem – I went to Serenity!  Started to open the door into the chapel and then it hit me!  How stupid is that!  Hurried to MMGFH and caught all of the service (I think)!  Folks, you simply cannot fix stupid!

I basically mowed about twelve or so acres yesterday.  Literally mowed until midnight thanks to a headlight on the mower.  Came in at 9:30PM and Lisa asked, “you finished?” and I said “no!”  She said, “then get back out there!”  Slave driver!

While it is widely known that Al invented the internet it is not widely known that he also invented the headlights for mowers.  Amazing!

Told you to go with the Cavs.

Hope you have a great Saturday with Jesus.





Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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