
FRIDAY, 3/2/18

“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” (Ephesians 4:32)

Happy birthday to my favorite sister-in-law on Lisa’s side of the family – Kim Denbleyker.  I hope her day is great!  Lisa bought her a strawberry cake from Edgar’s.  If you like strawberry – amazing!  Happy birthday Kim!

Phil Sims is having eye surgery today.  Pray that all goes well.

Miss Rebecca Perkins told me yesterday they were talking about letting her go home.  She was unclear as to when that might take place.  Pray for Miss Rebecca.

Carolyn Abendroth’s doctor came in while I was visiting with her yesterday.  Carolyn was waiting on her brother, Warren aka “Blow Joe”, to get there so they could discuss the report.  Pray for Carolyn.

Katelyn Johnson’s maternal grandfather had a couple of stents placed in his heart yesterday.  Her maternal grandmother is also in the hospital.  Pray for Katelyn’s grandparents.

Miss Willie Roberts’ daughter remains in the hospital.

Regular schedule this Sunday morning and evening.  Deacons meet at 4:00PM.  Buildings and Grounds Committee meets at 5:00PM.  Those interested in helping with soccer meet immediately following our evening worship service.

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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