
TUESDAY, 3/20/18

“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” (Ephesians 4:32)

Scott Fontenot’s heart went back into rhythm yesterday morning and they sent him home from the hospital.  Changed his medicines in hopes of preventing a stroke should he have another episode.  Pray that all continues to go well.

Wendy Johnston called last night to say that her mother in Kansas has been diagnosed with a mass in one of her lungs.  She has opted to not have anything done as surgery is not a medical option.  Wendy will most likely be traveling to Kansas within in the next few days.  Pray for this situation.

Luke Brown’s mother will be having knee replacement surgery today.  Pray that all goes well.

Joey Switzer’s father will be having surgery today.  Pray for that procedure too.

Marie Brooks will have a test performed today.  She is anxious so please pray for her.

Steven Johns has gotten less than desirable reports from the doctors in recent days.  He has some tests coming up.  Pray for Steven.

Bro. Jerry Hovel will be having knee replacement surgery on April 10.  Begin praying now that all will go well in that procedure.

Get ready as Bo’s “freeze” is here for the next three nights with projected lows of  43, 40 & 45.  Brrrrrr!   The long range forecast is calling for sixty percent rain chance on Easter Sunday.  Could affect our early service – we shall see!

Soccer sign up has gone well and the teams have been divided.  If you know of a child wishing to play in these leagues then you need to contact Amy Reynolds or Coley Johnson immediately if not sooner!

I am going with Lisa and her parents this morning to visit Ann’s brother-in-law, William “Smidge” Freeman.  He is not doing well physically.  I hope to be back by noonish.

I spot planted some corn two weeks ago and it is coming up nicely.  Snap beans appear to be doing the same.  The peas are still hiding in the soil.  My initial corn is looking good.

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

1 Comment

  • Gena Davis says:

    We are finally in a home in Cornelia, Georgia. I hope to be able to read your blog more often now. We stayed in our rv for almost 2 months. It was difficult at times but God got us through.

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