
WEDNESDAY, 6/20/18

“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” (Ephesians 4:32)

Dana Taylor’s father did not have a good day yesterday per the report I received.  She asks that we keep praying for her parents.

Phil Sims has a procedure on one of his eyes.  This is the second one on that eye and the hope is that it will show immediate improvement.  Pray for Phil!

Bernard Suthoff has had some tests in recent weeks.  Something is amiss regarding his heart so they will be doing a heart cath soon.  Pattie had told me about this earlier but wanted to wait until after the doctor’s visit yesterday to go public.

I had an uneventful day of flying yesterday.  Nic & Annie Gray were on the flight from PNS to ATL.  I spoke to them once we had gotten off the plane in ATL.  Nic tried to borrow some money – said something like he had left his wallet!  I gave Annie twenty dollars just in case!

I arrived on GRACE Mountain around 3:00PM or so and had an hour or so of visiting with Lizzi, Sydney & Audrey.  They helped me unpack.  Not that they were looking for anything – LOL!  It was then off to a meeting out West of Chimaltenango.  That meeting lasted until after 9:00PM so it was pushing 10:00PM when we got back to GRACE Mountain.  I was a tired puppy and slept well once I went to bed.

I have a meeting this morning relating the pastor’s conference this Fall.  I have some other things to do in order to get ready for the team’s arrival tomorrow.  Praying for a good day.

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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