

All is well with the team in Guatemala – praise the Lord!  Saturday was a good day.  Musical worship and then a time in the Word with Tico Vargas.

The team made their way to the building sites and worked hard until around 4:00PM when the skies opened and the torrential rains came along with major thunder, lightning and even some hail.  Pastor BJ is in charge of the building crews this week and he pulled the plug on the work which was the correct call.

Three houses received the concrete and are ready to be closed up.  One other house is ready for the concrete.  Four others are basically ready for the tin.

Deidra took a group of three or four to feed the volcano folks.  They then did the feeding center.  Holly Isom led a group getting the clothes ready for distribution.

Last night was food and fellowship.

Pray for this team.  Thank you for checking on them.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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