
MONDAY, 9/17/12

We enjoyed a blessed day in our services yesterday.  The highlight of the day was hearing Mike Clark share during the evening service.  We ended up with a “good” attendance but there were a good number of our folks who simply did not attend.  They are the ones who missed a blessing.  Those in attendance were also a blessing to Mike & Dottie through a love offering.  We thank the Lord for His blessings!

Pastor Robbie Howard will have a heart cath this morning.  I will get an update on Miss Millie today also – not sure if she is still in the hospital.  Miss Johnnie Grant is in Birmingham today for a check up from her recent procedure.  Pray for these folks!

Joe David went 2-2 on his picks so I beat him again as I went 2-2.  I missed the UT game and MSU game.  Good news – UT got beat.  Bad news – Notre Dame won!  (Sherry, until OU becomes relevant please do not make comments about college football on this site!)  Better news – USC lost!  (I do not hug trees but I do like the Tree!)

I do not watch much pro football but did see where the Cowboys got trampled by the Seahawks yesterday – hooray!  Also noticed the Jets got beaten pretty good –  hooray again!  (Like Tebow but not Rex)

My older brother, Eddie, and his wife, Sue, are celebrating their 36th wedding anniversary today.  I was the ring bearer or something like that in their wedding so I was obviously so young that I do not remember much about it.  I am sure it was nice!  Happy anniversary Eddie & Sue!

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.

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