
SATURDAY, 7/1/23

Let’s begin this entry with good news.  Robert Baria heard from his latest test and the malignancy has not spread.  It is located on the back of his tongue only.  Robert and Roseanne, while not wanting any cancer, are thankful for this report.  They are very appreciative of the prayer support.

Second piece of good news – Andy Hamil was discharged from the hospital late yesterday afternoon.  Amen!  I know Andy and probably instead of being “discharged” he was “fired” by the hospital.  LOL!  Regardless, he is a happy camper to be home.  Keep praying for Andy & Betty.

Third piece of good news – Dylan Westbrook spent yesterday mowing a lot of the back forty.  I am very thankful to Dylan.  We could still use a bush hog on the very back part today but so far we have had no takers.  Rumor has it that Dylan told his wife, Elizabeth, to mow it and she told him just how the cookie crumbles!  Is that true?  Hmmmm!

Keep praying for Chuck & Beth Rockwell.

One of Joey Switzer’s maternal aunts, Kathy Baker, passed from this life on Tuesday, 6/27.  Visitation this morning from 9:30AM until the 10:30AM service time.  Visitation and service in the chapel of Holder-Wells Funeral Home in Moss Point.  Pray for the Baker family.

Regular schedule on our campus tomorrow morning – Sunday School begins at 9:00AM followed by our worship service beginning at 10:00AM.  I am praying for a great attendance.  Will you join us?

I am excited about the cake auction and fireworks show scheduled for tomorrow night beginning at 5:00PM and ending at dark thirty. Folks, you can bring your cake in the morning and leave it in the coffee room in the adult Bible study building.  (That is only if it does not need to be refrigerated)  Otherwise, we need all cakes in the CAB no later than 3:00PM tomorrow.  Silent auction begins at 4:30PM, a couple or so cakes will be auctioned at 5:00PM and then the auction will begin around 6:00PM.  Miss Vinnie’s cake will be made available around 7:00PM.  Come join us for a great evening of food and fellowship while donating to a great cause.  Remember, bring a side dish (no baked beans) and a dessert.

Evangelist Michael Mason will be with us next Sunday, July 9, for our 10:00AM service.  Pray, attend and bring others with you.

Our VBS rally will take place next Sunday, 7/9, beginning at 5:00PM in the CAB.  Bro. Abel will lead this exciting event.

I found three more watermelons in our garage yesterday.  John Milton Ladnier is providing these for us and they are excellent!  Thank you John Milton.  He is so very gracious to my family.  We are thankful!

I mentioned “news” earlier.  I shared in this past Wednesday morning’s service that I am no longer affiliated with Fox News.  It appears they have gone “woke” behind the scenes while appearing to be conservative.  Just FYI.

Lisa helped me get our mowing done yesterday.  I still need to do some eating of the weeds but she was a huge help yesterday.  I am grateful.

I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.  Join us tomorrow morning and evening!  Going to be great!



Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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