
WEDNESDAY, 7/12/23

There will be no morning service or evening activities on our campus today.  No 10:00AM service or 6:30PM service/classes.

Also, the church office will close today and tomorrow at noon.  Bros. Jerry, Abel & Dylan have put in extra time with VBS and this will give them some down time as we prepare for this Sunday.  All of us are on call in the event of an emergency.

Hilda Gunter’s daughter, Stacy, will have a brain scan this morning.  Depending on what the scan reveals, the doctor “may” take immediate action.  Pray for Stacy.  She is a sweetheart!

Eric Harrington’s brother-in-law, Kevin, passed from this life very early yesterday morning.  Pray for the family.  A memorial service will most likely take place later at a time to be determined.

YES to VBS!  Our attendance yesterday was three hundred and two!  I am told that things went much smoother than day one. Keep praying for our VBS.

Do you remember Casper, the friendly ghost?  Just curious.  (Asking for a friend!)

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.  YES to VBS!

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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