
THURSDAY, 7/13/23

YES to VBS!  We enjoyed another good day in our VBS yesterday.  Praise the Lord!  Our attendance was two hundred and ninety-six.  Today is a most important day in this year’s VBS so pray for all to go well as the Gospel is shared.

We made a change to the offering competition as the boys and girls have joined forces for a common goal of reaching a total of sixty-five hundred dollars.  As of this morning, the total stands at fifty-nine hundred thirteen dollars and forty cents.  So we need five hundred eighty-six dollars and sixty cents to reach our goal.  Maybe some adults would like to drop by and add to this total.  This entire offering is in loving memory of Myrtle Bowden.

Robert Baria is facing a tough road in his battle with tongue cancer.  Pray diligently for Robert & Roseanne.

Received an update from Andy Hamil regarding Hilda Gunter’s daughter, Stacey.  The scan revealed that action needs to be taken and they have give Stacey some options from which to choose.  She will inform the doctor by Monday and the procedure will take place on Tuesday, 7/18, if all goes as planned.  Keep praying for Stacey especially for her to have wisdom regarding which option to choose.  Pray for Hilda too.

The church office will close at noon today.

Regular schedule on our campus this Sunday, 7/16:  Sunday School at 9:00AM; worship at 10:00AM, worship at 5:00PM.

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus!

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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