THURSDAY, 9/30/10
Good day/night yesterday. The day began with 41 folks in our morning service and ended with 33 young adults in our Radical Bible study. I know that we had 138 students involved in the 6:00 & 7:00 hours too. Praise the Lord for giving the increase.
Again, a special thanks to all who helped with the meal for the Perkins family yesterday. They expressed appreciation.
James Davis has been admitted to a local hospital so keep praying for him.
Christie Wynn is having some problems in her recovery from her recent oral surgery and her daughter, Sarah, is also having health issues so please pray for them.
Carla Kyser received a chemo treatment yesterday. Miss Joyce Bosarge had a radiation and chemo treatment. Pray for these ladies.
Tom Compagner’s dad had a successful surgery according to the doctors. I am not sure of all they did but the doctors were pleased.
Sheila Taylor, John & Arlene Meredith’s friend, remains in the hospital but is hopeful. John & Arlene are ministering to her and her husband.
Belvin McDonald is supposed to get a report today from a test. Pray that it will be favorable.
Sommer, Sherry says your cookbook is on the way. Shari, I got your order. Leah, still waiting! Dave Westhouse, still waiting on you too! As a matter of fact, I am going to make Dave a deal – one for $15 or two for $40.
I am using a vacation day today as Lisa & I will close on our construction loan in order to begin the process of building a house. Wow, we have talked about this day for a long time. The actual construction should begin within the next few days. We are thankful to God for His blessings!
Can someone help me find September or 2010? Wow, get the Christmas decorations out as it will be here tomorrow!
I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.