“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 KJV)
Today’s Bible reading – Revelation 1-5
The visitation with the Michael Levi Westbrook family will take place this morning from 11:00AM until the noon service time. The visitation and the service will be held from the Serenity Funeral Home in Theodore, AL. Pray for the Westbrook family.
The visitation with the Willadean Johnson family will take place tomorrow night, 12/29, from 5:00 – 9:00PM at the Lighthouse of Hope Church on Argyle Road in Irvington, AL. The celebration of life service will take place on Friday, 12/30, beginning at 11:00AM also from the Lighthouse of Hope Church. Pray for the Johnson family.
Ray Baber had hip replacement surgery yesterday afternoon. He was a bit anxious going into the surgery because he watched a YouTube video of the same type surgery beforehand. Probably not a good idea! I will visit with Ray today.
By the way, Ray is single. If ever someone needed help with meals following a surgery, Ray is that person. Interested? Contact me. Interested in coordinating this ministry? Contact me.
Visited ever so briefly with Miss Maxine Rogers yesterday. Vera is telling me that Miss Maxine will most likely be in the hospital until next week and will then be moved to rehab.
Carla Kyser continues to have some problems with her breathing. Pray for relief, please.
Remember, the office will open at 8:00AM and close at noon today and tomorrow. As usual, the office will be closed on Friday. Anyone wishing to give a monetary gift to the church and desiring tax credit for 2016 must bring the check to the office either this morning or tomorrow. Or, you can mail it just make sure the postmark is in December and the check is dated for December.
No services/classes/activities this morning or tonight.
The board of directors for Soy & Deidra’s ministry, SLAM, had their initial meeting last night. It seemed to be a productive meeting. Soy, Deidra and the girls are still looking at moving to Guatemala at some point in June. Remember, financial gifts can be given directly to them by simply making a check payable to SLAM. You can also give online by going to shininglightabroad.com. Simply click on the donate now button and the rest is simple.
Lord willing, Lisa and I will join Morris & Diane Bryant in traveling to Atlanta this Friday in order to attend the Alabama game on Saturday afternoon. The Lord has provided the tickets and a hotel room for Friday night. Can Lisa travel following her surgery? Are you kidding? That was the very first question I asked the surgeon before, during and after the surgery! We are looking forward to seeing Bama play at least one more time. Hopefully they will have one more game but who knows?
Deacons, meet with me this Sunday, 1/1, at 5:00PM in the regular room.
The Friendship family bowling fellowship takes place this Sunday night, 1/1, from 8:00 – 10:00PM at the Spanish Trail Lanes in Gautier, MS. Tim nor Peggy objected to the after fellowship party at their house so I guess it is a go. I am sure they will provide everything! How awesome is that!
Remember, Sunday School at 9:15AM followed by worship at 10:30AM this Sunday, 1/1/17. Our senior adults are asked to fill the choir loft for the 10:30AM service. We will then have our evening worship beginning at 6:00PM.
Yes, Nanette has asked if we can share a lane Sunday night just like old times. Wow! I do not mind sharing one with her husband, Scott, as he is a good bowler. I think he will take Jack and Rusty down! Soy was spouting off yesterday after his bowling expertise! Will someone please tell Soy that 88 is not a good score!
I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.