“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” (Ephesians 4:32)
I did not post an entry yesterday so I did not have the opportunity to wish our oldest grandchild, Titus, a happy ninth birthday. He seemed to have a good day as we celebrated yesterday afternoon.
Zach & Charlotte Brown will welcome their first son (third child) into the world at some point today as Charlotte will be induced this morning. Pray that all goes well.
Katie and Charles Grant were discharged from the hospital last week and are doing great. I am sure Addison is being a huge help in taking care of her little brother.
Sonny Bates will travel to New Orleans tomorrow to meet with his doctor. Pray for wisdom as the doctor charts a course of action for treatments.
We have a team of forty two folks who will leave for Guatemala this Saturday. It is about a sixty (Alabama) forty (Michigan) split. This team will mainly focus on celebrating Christmas with the families of the feeding center but they will also do painting and build a few houses. Pray that their trip will be blessed.
Eddie & Marcus told me last night that everything is a go for the basketball leagues to begin on Saturday, December 8. One of the needs is for those who have not paid to go ahead and do so now. The uniforms have been ordered, the teams have been set, the practice schedules are in place, et cetera so they just need to settle the financial side of things. Pray for this ministry.
I made a change for our adult choir’s Christmas musical on December 23. That service will begin at 3:00PM instead of being in our customary evening service. Why the change? I want to give families an extra evening to either have a gathering or to just have family time. The musical will be over by 4:00PM and everyone will then have the rest of the afternoon and evening free. I appreciate Jeanette’s “flexibility” and support on this change. Please begin praying now, make plans to attend, and bring others with you.
I do ask that the members of the Friendship family remember our Christmas Eve service that will begin at 5:00PM and will end no later than 6:00PM. Invite others to join you for this special service. Make this a family tradition! (I have already extended the first invitation to someone to sing during that service and you will not be disappointed)
The college football regular season has now officially come to an end. It ended on a good note for me as Ross & Kathy Genzink joined Lisa, Gina and me for game which they have done annually for years. However, this past Saturday saw my older brother, Eddie, and his wife, Sue, also join us which was the first time for them to do so in Tuscaloosa (Eddie & I have attended a Bama game in Birmingham back in the Ray Perkins era) So, it was a nice end to the regular season. By the way, my sister, Melissa, and her husband, James, had joined me the week before. What is up with me taking all of these Auburn fans to the Bama games?
This entry has been too long. Sorry about that. I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.