
SATURDAY, 8/31/13

Leslie Williams put a comment on yesterday’s entry sharing about Baby Bailey in Alaska.  You can read that comment in order to know how to pray.

Just received word that Miss Gertrude Versiga passed away.  She has been in the compassionate care unit of the hospital for several days.  Will update with the arrangements once they are completed.  Pray for the Versiga family.

We are on a regular schedule tomorrow morning – services at 8:00AM & 10:30AM with Sunday School at 9:15AM.  I know that it is a holiday weekend and my hope is that the members of the Friendship family who are in town will be faithful to attend.

We will have a church wide fellowship in the CAB tomorrow afternoon beginning at 5:00PM.  The church will provide the burgers, dogs, trimmings and drinks.  You are asked to bring sides and dessert – enough for your family plus one or two.  Marisa asks that you bring serving spoons for your dishes.  She also asks the members of the hostess committee to join her at the church at 4:00PM.

Randall, Lynda, and Rita will be sharing the message in song beginning at 6:00PM.  I will bring a brief message.  That service will take place in the CAB too.

This entry is being typed as I ride along I-85 heading to the game in Atlanta.  Lord willing, I will be back home late tonight and in all three services tomorrow.

I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.

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FRIDAY, 8/30/13

Sharlynn  Theobald did well through her surgery yesterday.  The problem was not as severe as the doctor had thought.  That is good news and she is now at home recovering.

I appreciate Bro. Jerry covering Sharlynn’s surgery and making the hospital visits yesterday.  As far as I know, there are no significant changes to report in anyone.

Courtney’s brother and his wife were scheduled to meet with the doctor yesterday afternoon to discuss Connor’s condition.  I do not know the results of that meeting.

Thanks to Miss Vinnie and those who helped feed the Jennings Brewer family yesterday following the service.  You did great!

We are on a regular schedule this Sunday morning but will make some changes for Sunday night.  We will have a church wide fellowship beginning at 5:00PM in the CAB.  The church is furnishing the burgers, dogs, and drinks.  You are asked to bring the sides and desserts.  Please bring enough for your family plus one or two.  We will begin our worship service around 6:00PM and it will feature the music ministry of Rita, Lynda, & Randall.  You can come at 6:00PM and miss the eating but you cannot come at 5:00PM and skip the service.  Obviously, there will be no choir practice or Discipleship Training.

Sign up for the Summer ’14 GRACE trips begins this Sunday, 9/1.  Sign up slips are in the foyer of the auditorium.  The members of the Friendship family have the month of September to sign up and these trips will then be opened to others.  They will fill quickly once they are opened to others so do not delay in signing up.

I am writing this entry from Howell, Michigan.  Where is that? IDK except to say somewhere between Detroit and Holland.  Lisa and I got to this hotel around 2:00AM.  We will leave shortly and attend the funeral service for Harold Mast.  Almost immediately afterwards, we will head back to Detroit for the flight home.

Since I was traveling last night, I missed the opening games of the college football season.  Congratulations to the Mississippi Black Bears on their come from behind victory.  Hate that Kim French’s Jags lost!  Looking forward to tomorrow’s games.  I am going to take AU over WSU, Clemson over UGA (hope I am wrong for Ethan’s sake), and Bama over VT.

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.

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THURSDAY, 8/29/13

The visitation with the Jennings Brewer family takes place this morning at 11:00AM followed by an 11:30AM service.  Everything will be from Serenity Funeral Home.  Miss Vinnie Brewer is in charge of the feeding ministry.  I appreciate her and all who will be helping in this ministry today.  Pray for Marsha and the family today.

Sharlynn Theobald is having surgery this morning.

Rob Nevin’s mother, Miss Barbara, was admitted to the hospital late yesterday afternoon.

James Raybon attends our church and is in the SS class taught by Sonny Bates & Scott Fontenot.  He is in the hospital too.

Bob & Chris Henley both remain hospitalized.

Miss Gertrude Versiga also remains in the hospital.

Hilda’s neighbor, Phoebe Berger, service will be at noon tomorrow preceded by a time of visitation with the family beginning at 10:00AM.  Everything will take place from Mobile Memorial Gardens Funeral Home.

Phillip Turner’s brother, Lindsey, is at home and doing well.

The college football season begins tonight – hooray!  (Actually, the season begins Saturday afternoon around 4:30PM but we are excited for these “minor” games too!)  I enjoy watching college football.

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.



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Just received word that both Bob & Chris Henley have been admitted to the hospital.  Do not know the details but do ask that you pray for them, and their sons, Bobby & Billy.

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WEDNESDAY, 8/28/13

The funeral service for Jennings Brewer takes place tomorrow morning at 11:30AM.  It will be preceded by thirty minutes of visitation with the family.  The family will have a private time thirty minutes prior to that, so please be respectful of their time by not trying to get in early.  Everything is taking place from Serenity Funeral Home.

Are we going to feed the Brewer family following the service?  Good question and one I hope to answer by the service time this morning.

Hilda Gunter’s neighbor, Phoebe, passed away yesterday afternoon.  Do not know any of the arrangements but do ask that you pray for the family.

The funeral service for Harold Mast, father of Kurt Mast, Jill Ellens, Shari Compagner, and Kathy Genzink, of Michigan will take place at some point on Friday, 8/30.  Pray for the Mast family.

Miss Lois Adkinson and Donnie Felps’ mother have been discharged from the hospital.  That is a good thing.

Miss Gertrude Versiga remains hospitalized.  She has been moved to a compassionate care floor.  I visited with her yesterday and she was most grateful of our prayer support.

Courtney’s nephew, Connor, is seemingly making progress.  They are still waiting on the results of a test or two.  Keep praying.

Regular schedule today/tonight.  Children’s choir meets at 5:30PM.  Lasagna for the meal during the 7:30PM Bible study at the house.  Those young adults who meet with me will be in chapter five – “Living with Patience” which begins on page 83.

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.

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The  visitation with the Jennings Brewer family will be Thursday, 8/29, from 11:00AM until 11:30AM in one of the parlors at Serenity Funeral Home.  The service will immediately follow the visitation and will be at the grave in Serenity Gardens.

Shari Compagner’s dad, Mr. Harold Mast, passed away around 11:30AM today.  His funeral service will take place this Friday, 8/30, in Drenthe, Michigan.  Pray for the Mast family.


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TUESDAY, 8/27/13

The heart cath for Miss Lois Adkinson showed no blockages – praise the Lord!  They will focus on a couple of other issues which will be treated by medication.

Donnie Felps’ mother was having a test done when I went by there.  I have not talked to Marisa to learn the results.

Courtney’s brother had to go back to work yesterday and her mother was sleeping after being up during the night.  Keep praying for Connor.

Amy Walker’s grandmother was doing “okay” and the mother of the young man from the Mission of Hope was being attended to by medical personnel so I did not get to visit with her.

Everyone I saw at the convalescent home was doing good.  I did not see a couple of them as they were in a service.

The arrangements for Jennings Brewer have not been finalized.  However, I do know the visitation/service will take place on Thursday.  Just not sure of the times yet.  Should know today.  Pray for the family.

Remember, the “My Hope America” meeting is scheduled for Tuesday night, 9/3, beginning at 6:30PM.  A light sandwich supper will be served.  Guard that date on your calendar.

John Milton and friends were set to grout the tile in the new office suite last night.  Talked to Chris Howell yesterday and he is set to install the carpet.  After that, Bernard S will do some minor painting, Sammy B will do some electrical work and everything should be good to go for the move.

Sad day yesterday – WOSM, The Gospel Giant, passed from the radio waves.  It is now a talk radio station.  No more Margaret, Swap Shop or Charles McKinney.  Herbert B told me of this imminent passing about a month or so ago and it has now happened.  I did not listen to WOSM all of the time but did so from time to time.  Fans of Southern Gospel will miss this station.

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.



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Around 6:15AM today, Jennings Brewer left this life to enter Heaven.  Plans call for a brief visitation followed by a graveside service.  Everything will be at Serenity Funeral Home.  When?  TBA but most likely Wednesday or Thursday.  Pray for the Brewer family.

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MONDAY, 8/26/13

Wow, what an awesome day of worship we experienced yesterday!  It was truly a God thing.  The altar was close to filled in both of our morning services.  I could hear folks literally weeping as they poured their hearts out to God.  What a blessing!  The Spirit was excellent and the attendance was once again very strong.  Thank you for being faithful!

What can I say about last night’s service to adequately describe it?  The My Hope America video was spot on as evidenced by Debbie Kendrick’s salvation decision.  We had 54 families come forward to say they will attend a meeting to learn more about being a host home for the My Hope America night in November.  Amazing!  (We will have that meeting next Tuesday night, 9/3, beginning at 6:30PM in the fellowship hall.  A sandwich supper will be provided.)  Yes, yesterday was a God thing and we give Him all of the glory!  Thank you Jesus!

Folks, I missed God on the My Hope America emphasis.  I appreciate Pastor Jack Bailey pushing it continually.  Rob & Reb have been on board with it too.  We are now playing catch up but that is okay.

Full day today with hospitals, convalescent home and a funeral.  Let me share some prayer needs:

Miss Lois Adkinson is scheduled to have a heart cath around 11:00AM today.

The funeral for Amy Reynolds’ grandmother, Gloria Eden, begins at noon today preceded by two hours of visitation with the family.  Everything takes place at Serenity Funeral Home.

Amy Walker’s grandmother, Miss Brown, has been admitted to the hospital.

One of the men from the Mission of Hope shared with Jeff Holifield this past Friday night that his mother is in the hospital.

Donnie Felps’ mother is in the hospital.

Courtney Cavin’s newborn nephew, Connor, remains hospitalized.

Coach Eric & Sanna Collier gave me a gift last night to be used on the mission field.  Very nice gift and I appreciate it!

Thanks to each person who helped with the senior high fellowship last night.  It was good.  Lisa is a great hostess (I am biased).

So ready for this Thursday night and the college football season.

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.

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SUNDAY, 8/25/13

There is a wedding shower Rick Bradley, Jr. and Kayla Brown this afternoon from 2:00 – 3:30PM in the fellowship hall.

Miss Lois Adkinson was admitted to the hospital last night.  Thought it might be a heart attack but that was ruled out.  Running tests.  Pray for her as the doctors try to find the source of her problem.

The visitation with the family of Mrs. Gloria Eden (Amy Reyonld’s grandmother) takes place tomorrow from 10:00AM until the noon service time.  Everything takes place from Serenity Funeral Home in Theodore.  Pray for the Eden family.

Regular schedule today.  It is raining again this morning.  I trust that the members of the Friendship family will be faithful in spite of the wet conditions.

I pray that you will have a great Sunday with Jesus.

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