SATURDAY, 8/31/13
Leslie Williams put a comment on yesterday’s entry sharing about Baby Bailey in Alaska. You can read that comment in order to know how to pray.
Just received word that Miss Gertrude Versiga passed away. She has been in the compassionate care unit of the hospital for several days. Will update with the arrangements once they are completed. Pray for the Versiga family.
We are on a regular schedule tomorrow morning – services at 8:00AM & 10:30AM with Sunday School at 9:15AM. I know that it is a holiday weekend and my hope is that the members of the Friendship family who are in town will be faithful to attend.
We will have a church wide fellowship in the CAB tomorrow afternoon beginning at 5:00PM. The church will provide the burgers, dogs, trimmings and drinks. You are asked to bring sides and dessert – enough for your family plus one or two. Marisa asks that you bring serving spoons for your dishes. She also asks the members of the hostess committee to join her at the church at 4:00PM.
Randall, Lynda, and Rita will be sharing the message in song beginning at 6:00PM. I will bring a brief message. That service will take place in the CAB too.
This entry is being typed as I ride along I-85 heading to the game in Atlanta. Lord willing, I will be back home late tonight and in all three services tomorrow.
I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.