
WEDNESDAY, 3/31/21

Good Wednesday morning from GRACE Mountain.

Rebekah Renae Hatcher, daughter of Reed & Sara, is set to make her arrival into this world at some point today.  Sara was admitted to the hospital last night as the doctor made the decision to move things up one week.  Pray for all to go well!

Linda Green’s surgery was deemed a success.  She remains in the hospital.  Keep praying.

No update on infant Harvey Hatcher but keep praying for him and Harrison.

Also, keep praying for Bibbi’s sister.

Regular schedule on our campus this morning and evening.  Bro. Jerry will be teaching in the auditorium morning and evening.  I am praying that the members of the Friendship family will be faithful to attend.

Yesterday was a good day on GRACE Mountain.  The drill sergeant is about to wear me out!

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.

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TUESDAY, 3/30/21

Good Tuesday morning from GRACE Mountain.  The Lord gave Titus and me a good day of traveling yesterday.  More on that in a minute.

I received an update from Bibbi yesterday stating that her sister was taken off the ventilator and that her platelet count has increased.  Those are two great things.  Praise the Lord and keep praying.

Thomas Welch passed from this life last week.  Bro. Jerry was in contact with the family yesterday and will be leading that ministry opportunity.  Pray for the Welch family.

I have no gotten an update on Miss Linda Green.  Keep praying.

As far as I know, there has been no change in infant Harvey Hatcher’s situation.  Again, keep praying.

Keith & Aninha have a pastor friend whose wife is struggling physically.  This pastor and wife live in Guyana.  Pray as it is a most serious situation.

Regular schedule on our campus tomorrow morning and evening.  Bro. Jerry will be teaching in the auditorium during both services.

Eddie Albritton was kind enough to transport Titus and me to the Mobile airport yesterday.  Eddie is as good as they come!

Our flight from Mobile left on time and Titus & I literally went from that plane and got in the boarding line for the flight to Guatemala City.  We landed on time in Guatemala City, went through customs seamlessly and then went to the rental car agency.  Traffic was heavy in the city but we did make good time as we arrived on the mountain around 2:00PM.  The girls did not know we were coming so they were surprised and excited.  Drill sergeant Deidra had my afternoon planned with the school, supper and an evangelistic outreach in Santo Domingo.  We finally got back to the apartment at 8:00PM and I was tired physically and emotionally.  I am thankful for a good day.

It is not even 6:00AM and drill sergeant Deidra is already barking orders so I have to go.  She is so much like her mama that it is not even funny!

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.

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MONDAY, 3/29/21

Miss Linda Green will be having surgery today.  Pray that all goes well.

Bibbi’s sister has shown some improvement which is an answer to prayer.  Keep praying.

Miss Kittie Camp missed our services yesterday which is most unusual.  She simply has not been feeling well.  Pray for Miss Kittie.

Donna Lamey is having issues with her back.  She is scheduled to have dialysis today and it will be a challenge for Tom to get her there.  Pray for Donna.

Miss Catherine Leach remains at Lee & Elizabeth’s.  Keep praying for Miss Catherine.

After a one year absence, it was great to have Carol Lucky present in our 10:30AM service yesterday.  Praise the Lord!

The Lord blessed us with some really good services yesterday morning and evening.  Our deacons did a nice job serving the Lord’s Supper in the evening service.

Titus and I are waiting to board a plane from Mobile heading to Atlanta.  We have a very short time in Atlanta  before our flight to Guatemala City takes off.  Pray for traveling mercies.

Bro. Jerry, Bro. Abel, Bro. Dylan and our nine deacons stand ready and able to minister in  my absence.  Feel free to contact any of these brothers if you have a need.

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.

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SATURDAY, 3/27/21

There will be a front pew baby shower for Reid & Sarah Hatcher tomorrow.  Bring gifts or gift cards and place them on the front pew in the center section.  You can do this in any of our three services.  It is a girl!

Linda Green remains in the hospital and will have surgery on Monday, 3/29.  Keep praying for Linda.

Bibbi’s sister remains in the unit and on the vent.  She definitely needs tons of prayers.  Keep praying.

As far as I know, Harrison & Harvey are doing ok.  Keep praying!

Jeanette Bates twisted one of her feet on June 11.  A visit to the doctor yesterday revealed she has a broken foot.  She is now in a boot.  I am not sure whether I would pick Sonny or Jeanette in a foot race at this time.

The service for Melissa Adkinson’s father takes place today in McComb, MS.  Pray for the service and the family.

Keep praying for Miss Catherine Leach.  She is at Lee’s & Elizabeth’s house and is under hospice care.

Our soccer leagues begin play this morning.  Pray for this ministry.

Regular schedule on our campus tomorrow morning and evening.  Lord’s Supper in our 6:00PM service.

Have you sent Evangelist Michael Mason an email or mailed him a card?

Have you thanked God for someone within the Friendship family?  I have and sent an email to the persons for whom I prayed.  Here was one reply, “thank you so much!  This is the first church I have been in where I just hated to miss a service!”  How about that?

A person who does not frequent church very often told me yesterday that they believe the church in America will soon be having to meet in secret.  This person is not a prophet but I think this prediction is spot on.  It could be much, much sooner than we think.

The Alabama basketball team tips off at 6:15PM tomorrow.  You think that affects our church schedule?  Hello!  Folks, if it were Alabama football then it would not affect it either and I am an Alabama fan.

I am so in prayer and hope that the members of the Friendship family will attend our services in strong numbers this Sunday morning and evening.  Let’s do it to the glory of God!

I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.


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Harvey Hatcher was moved to USA C&W hospital around 1:00AM this morning due to his oxygen level.  Pray for Harvey and his parents.  Obviously, pray for Harrison too.

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FRIDAY, 3/26/21

The Hatcher twins are here and are doing well as far as I know this morning.  Congratulations to Marcus & Rachel.  Pray for all to continue to go well.

Linda Green remains in the hospital.  The doctors found another problem and are deciding how to correct it.  Pray for Miss Linda.

Bibbi’s sister remains in the hospital, in ICU, and on the ventilator.  Her’s is a genetic disorder and there are presently only seven families in the entire United States with this disease.  So, we need to be most diligent in our prayer support.

Continue to pray for Miss Catherine Leach and for Debbie Kendrick.

The service for Melissa Adkinson’s father takes place tomorrow in McComb, MS.  Pray for the family.

The opening ceremonies for our soccer leagues will not take place tonight due to the wet fields.  However, there will be matches in the morning at 8:00AM, 9:00AM and 10:00AM.  Pray for this ministry.  (Mama always told me to not “play with matches” which may be one of the reasons I do not like soccer!)

Regular schedule on our campus this Sunday morning and evening.  Lord’s Supper in our 6:00PM service.

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |


The Hatcher twins are here!  All I know at this point is that one weighed five pounds plus and the other weighed six pounds plus.  Thank you for praying.

Harvey Hatcher weighed five pounds and fourteen ounces.

Harrison Hatcher weighed six pounds and one ounce.

Bibbi’s sister has now developed pneumonia and has a fever today.  The disease she has is rare as there are only seven families in the entire USA with it.  The family will meet with the doctors tomorrow to get more information.  Pray, pray, pray.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |


Rachel Hatcher began to have some complications with her pregnancy so the doctor will take the babies today.  Marcus asked us to pray.  Join me in praying for all to be well.

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THURSDAY, 3/25/21

I have not spoken to Bro. Abel about yesterday’s morning service but our evening service was pretty well attended and the spirit was very good.  Thank you to those who are faithful to attend!

Bibbi’s sister is still in need of fervent prayers so keep praying.

Keep praying for Linda Green.

Keep praying for Catherine Leach.

Melissa Adkinson’s father passed from this life.  The service will take place this Saturday in McComb, MS.  Pray for the family.

Pray for Debbie Kendricks as she awaits her surgery on April 6.

Pray for Miss Lanell McConnell as she will have surgery on April 14.

Our daughter, Dana, will have her tonsils removed in a couple of weeks.  Pray that she will feel well until the surgery date.

Over ten thousand dollars came in as a result of the yard sale and auction.  Pretty amazing!  Will provide help to many people.

I am about to (fixin to) appoint a Building & Grounds Committee.  If you would like to serve on this committee, contact me personally.  If you do not want to serve on this committee, avoid me at all cost!  Just saying!

I had someone contact me yesterday that I have not heard from in like years!  Basically caused me to have a heart attack!  I knew they would eventually contact me whenever they needed something!

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

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WEDNESDAY, 3/24/21

The visitation with the Cora Martin family takes place at Serenity Funeral Home from 11:00AM until the noon service time.  Pray for the service to honor God.

Bibbi Bosarge’s sister has made some improvement but is still in a “touch and go” situation.  Please pray.

Linda Green remains in the hospital as far as I know.  Pray for Linda!

Keep praying for Miss Catherine Leach.

Regular schedule on our campus this morning and evening.  Bro. Abel will be preaching in the morning service and I will be preaching in the evening service.  I pray the members of the Friendship family will be faithful to attend these services.  Have you gotten out of the habit of attending these services?  Why not get back in the habit beginning this morning or tonight?

There will be a front pew baby shower for Reid & Sarah Hatcher this Sunday, March 28, in all three of our services.  Bring gifts or gift cards and place them on the front pew in the center section.

Plans call for the opening ceremonies of our Spring 2021 soccer leagues to take place this Friday night, March 26.  I would attend but I think I will probably be busy!  League play begins Saturday morning.

Did you send Bro. Michael Mason an email?  Send him a card?  If not, please do.  Thank you.

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.

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