
SUNDAY, 1/30/11

Word came to me yesterday that Nancy West’s dad, Mr. Al Sevilla, is not doing well physically.  He is in a hospital in the Houston, TX area.  Please pray for him, his family, and the doctors as they care for him.

Bro. Jerry is preaching the two morning services today, Edwin Williams the 2:00PM service, and Bro. Robbie the evening service.  Friendship family, I pray that you will be faithful.

I pray that you will have a great Sunday with Jesus.

P.S. – There is a brief entry on the GRACE blog today.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

FRIDAY, 1/28/11

Ted Ezell was admitted to a hospital because of some possible problems with his heart.  Ted is a man of kindness.  He is a great and faithful member of the Friendship family.  Pray for him.

Miss Edith Krebs, Betty Hamil’s sister, remains hospitalized and will most likely be there until late next week.  Margie Perkins surgery went well.  Pray for these folks.

The LMCO pearls have arrived!  Eddie & Sue have done a fantastic job of getting them to us so quickly!  So, you can now treat your sweetheart with a nice gift for Valentine’s Day and support our 2011 LMCO too!  It is a win/win situation!

I had the joy of sharing with the folks from the Friendship CRC team yesterday morning.  It was good to see some folks we know well, to meet some that we only knew by name, and to meet others for the first time.  They are a very gracious group and are tremendous supporters of GRACE Ministries.  Lisa and I were also able to spend a little time with Paul & Cristy, Louise, and John.

Dr. Tico Vargas and I spent all afternoon driving to and from the city (one of my least favorite things to do) with a meeting with the lawyer being our sole purpose for being in the city.  In my opinion, GRACE Ministries has a great lawyer.  He is so kind to us and it is a neat thing to see a well worn Bible on his desk.  I really appreciate Dr. Tico taking the time from his busy schedule to help us.

Tom & Shari Compagner, Jan Kapenga, & Caroline Ford arrived in Guatemala yesterday afternoon.  We enjoyed a nice supper together and the amazing thing is that “tight Tom” picked up the ticket.  (Of course, he quickly put it down once he saw how much it was!)  Had I known Tom was paying, we would have chosen somewhere other than Burger King!

We have team members flying from Mobile, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chicago, & Detroit over the next two days.  Pray that all goes well in their travels.  I will most likely not post tomorrow but will begin the GRACE blog on Sunday.

Bro. Jerry will be preaching Sunday morning and Bro. Robbie on Sunday night.  Edwin Williams is preaching the 2:00PM service.  I appreciate these men filling in for me.  Pray for them.

I pray that you will have a great weekend with Jesus.

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THURSDAY, 1/27/11

Bro. Jerry has graciously given me the following updates:  Rachael Jackson’s grandmother is in a local hospital with heart problems but is now doing better.  Nancy West shared Sunday night that her father, Al Savilla, was kicked by a horse.  He is in a Houston, TX hospital with problems from that accident plus other problems.  Carla Kyser has been sick.  Betty Hamil’s sister, Edith Krebs, is in a local hospital with injuries sustained from a fall.  Margie Perkins will have gall bladder surgery this morning.  Pray for all of these folks.

I received great news yesterday from Joe David Bailey.  His dad, Pastor Jack Bailey, is planning to join us for the pastors’ conference in Guatemala later this year.  Pastor Jack is a great preacher/teacher and I am excited that he is making plans to  join us.

Lisa and I had an very uneventful day of travels yesterday.  We arrived in the GC airport shortly before 1:00PM and were on the road at 1:25PM – amazing!

It is a little after 5:00AM and I soon be sharing the devotion with the members of the Friendship CRC team presently here doing ministry.  They return home tomorrow.  Dr. Tico and I have a meeting with the lawyer this afternoon.

I hope that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

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WEDNESDAY, 1/26/11

Pastor Jack Bailey has a “blog central” at an undisclosed location in Rockyford, Alabama.  This blog is very portable as today’s entry is coming from Pensacola, FL very near the Pensacola airport.  Lisa and I stayed here last night as we are scheduled to fly to Guatemala this morning.  It is 3:30AM and we need to be at the airport by 4:30AM.

Our team arrives tomorrow, Friday, & Saturday.  Eventually, we should have 53 team members with a large number of them being from the medical field.  Lisa & I are going early because I have an appointment with the lawyer who represents GRACE Ministries tomorrow.  I will also be bringing the devotion in the morning to the team that is presently staying in the L.G. Camp, Jr. Mission House.

Bro. Robbie Howard will be preaching in the 10:00AM and 7:00PM services today.  I pray that the members of the Friendship family will be faithful in their attendance.  Lord willing, I will blog from Guatemala tomorrow and begin adding the GRACE blog on Sunday too.

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

TUESDAY, 1/25/11

God is good!  Hell rages but God is in control and we bless His name for Who He is!  I so thankful to serve the one, true, living God.  As Mark Harris sings, “I don’t want a God I can hold in my hands but a God Who holds me!”  Amen!

Vera Bosarge’s sister, Juanita McRoy, is going to have surgery soon – possibly next week.  She has a growth that the doctor does not “think” is malignant but the oncologist wants it out immediately.  Vera’s nephew, Robert, is still waiting on word from the doctors regarding his situation.

Bea Unrue will have surgery on her hand Wednesday afternoon.  Bill Unrue continues to have problems with his foot.  Edwina Perkins’ son, Kyle, passed away.  It is thought that funeral will take place on Thursday but that is not for certain at this point.  Bro. Robbie will be preaching that service so pray for the family and for Bro. Robbie.

Interesting news items – 2/14 is “No Cussing Day” in at least two Mobile County middle schools; foreclosures on church buildings is up (way up) since 2008 and it looks to get worse.  There have been 200 in the US since 2008 while there were 2 in the two years preceding 2008 and virtually none in the decade before that;  airfares are climbing higher as the airlines have consolidated and taken planes out of the air which means there are fewer seats available which leads to much higher fares; and Billy Graham says that if he had a “do over” he would be less involved in politics and spend less time doing funerals, weddings, and building dedications.  He also said he would do more studying and less preaching.

Our April & June GRACE trips are at capacity.  Bro. Jerry’s trip has a few openings.  Our July trip has an opening or two but that trip is designed for our young adults.

I guess folks have selective memories – the suggestion in this space yesterday of having a Super “Souper” Bowl fellowship was a shot at my failed idea last year.  The attendance, lack of, still bothers me!  It was written very much with tongue in cheek!

Speaking of the NFL, Carson Palmer wants to be traded.  That makes me think of church life but I will not go there today.

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

MONDAY, 1/24/11

We had a good day in our services/Bible studies yesterday.  I am thankful to the Lord for His continued blessings.

Larry & Judy told me yesterday that Lexie may come home from the hospital today.  Word came last night that Kym Gathwright is in a local hospital.  John & Arlene Meredith’s friend, Sheila Taylor, continues to do not so well in her battle against cancer.  Miss Helen Ruth Brinkman remains in Pensacola.  Pray for these folks.

The Super Bowl match up is set as the Packers & Steelers punched their tickets yesterday/last night.  I was able to see most of the second half of the Jets/Steelers game.  I am like Joe David in the fact that I am not a Rex Ryan fan.  Could he be the next Bum Phillips?  I really do not care but I am going with the Steelers to win it all.  Coach Tomlin seems like a good guy.

So, I have been thinking.  The Super Bowl is obviously on a Sunday afternoon/evening which has a tendency to hurt Sunday night church attendance.  How can we be creative and have a good attendance?  What about a “Super Souper Fellowship?”  Think about it!

A team from Byron Center, Michigan is presently in the mission house.  You can follow them by going to www.friendshipcrc.org and follow the ministries link which leads to Guatemala 2011.  Pray for them.

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

FRIDAY, 1/21/11

If I were having to write this entry by hand, it would probably not happen.  Lisa and I drove over to Orange Beach yesterday in order to attend a closing on a vacation home.  I thought I signed my name a lot when we closed on our construction loan but I must have tripled that number of signatures yesterday!  Wow, I think I have writer’s cramp!  However, with that done, I do not have plans to do any more “closings” in the near future!

Jodie Johnson’s dad came home from the hospital.  Rob Nevin’s stepmother had surgery on one of her eyes yesterday.  Vera Bosarge’s sister is still waiting on a definitive word from the doctor.  Little Lexie Whitehurst remains hospitalized as her lungs develop more fully.  Miss Helen Ruth Brinkman remains in Pensacola where she lives with her son and his wife as she rehabs from her recent fall.  Roy Blodgett continues to recover at home too.  Miss Carol Kittles takes dialysis three times (I think) each week and she asked for our prayer support.  Bro. Lonnie Miller remains hospitalized as does Jerry & Gloria Whitmore’s neighbor, Elton Love.  We still have folks battling cancer who need our prayer support.  Pray without ceasing!

The obituary for Miss Pauline Pugh was in yesterday’s paper.  That service is tomorrow at noon preceded by two hours of visitation.  The visitation/service will take place at Radney’s on Dauphin Street.  Pray for Rachel and the family.

We had a comment yesterday from one of our Pentecostal readers, Donald Butler.  (Please do not tell Pastor Tim Cauley that one of his members reads this Baptist preacher’s blog – LOL!)  Donald & Pat are good friends and are very kind to our church as well as Lisa & me personally.  I appreciate their taking the time to read something written by me.  That gives us 11 readers!

Way to go T. Garrett – invite me to join you after you arrive back home!  I see how you roll!

Curt Cignetti is expected to leave the Bama football coaching staff today as he will be introduced as the head coach at Indiana University Pennsylvania.  So?  He coached Bama’s receivers.  Trooper Taylor coaches receivers.  Does the name James Willis ring a bell?  If that happens, I may have to jump ship!

By the way, rumor has it that Mark Harris will be named the head coach at Spanish Fort High School today as Coach Vincent has joined the staff at South.  I have “sources” close to the situation.

Upward basketball tomorrow and regular schedule on Sunday for Bible study and worship.  Pray that we will have a blessed day as we gather in His name.

If you have taken the time to read this far, let me explain yesterday’s closing in OB.  My brother & his wife bought a vacation home in OB and, since they live in China, I am their POA which necessitated me representing them at the closing.  So, I signed their names plus mine plus “AIF” a gazillion times.  I sure hope I did not sign anything that will hold me liable!  (T. Garrett, I may need a lawyer!)  Life is good!  FYI, I have the keys to that house and can make you a “sweet” offer on a rental – j/k!

I pray that you will have a great Friday, Saturday, & Sunday with Jesus.

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THURSDAY, 1/20/11

We had a good day in our services yesterday.  Our “Potluck with the Pastor” went extremely well with a strong attendance, great food and super fellowship.  I really enjoy our Wednesday morning service and I think it is serving a very useful role.  Thanks to all who attended, brought food, et cetera in order to make the day successful!

We also had a good attendance in our evening services/Bible studies.  We thank God for His many blessings!

T. Garrett, your grandmother told me where you have been and I am not a happy camper!  Thanks for the invite!

I know that we have already gotten at least one firm order for pearls.  Again, we fully anticipate having these in hand before Valentine’s Day and they make awesome gifts.  Contact Deidra to place your order.

I am having to use a vacation day today in order to take care of some personal matters.  I will be around but will not be “working!”

Found this quote earlier this morning:  “The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because by then your body and your fat are really good friends.” That helps me understand why I struggle to lose those pounds!

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

P.S. – Gena Davis, can you send me Allison’s mailing address?  Thanks!

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The arrangements for Rachel Walton’s mother, Miss Pauline Pugh, are as follows:  visitation at Radney’s Funeral Home on Dauphin Street in Mobile this Saturday, 1/22, from 10:00AM until noon.  A service will take place beginning at noon from the chapel of the funeral home.  Burial will be in Frisco City, Alabama.  Pray for the family.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

WEDNESDAY, 1/19/11

Our first “Potluck with the Pastor” of 2011 takes place today following our 10:00AM service.  The menu is soup, cornbread, crackers, desserts and drink.  I hope we have a nice attendance.  These gatherings have proven to be a time of great food and fellowship.  I thank those in advance who worked to help make this potluck a success!

Betty Creech’s grandchildren set the tables and chairs up for today’s meal.  I appreciate their help!

Spoke to Rachel yesterday around noon and, at that time, no funeral arrangements had been made for her mother.  Again, we will post those arrangements once they are made.

Our out of town readers (both of them) may want to take note of this – we have placed another order for pearls and should have them in time for Valentine’s Day.  The cost will be whatever they cost us plus $40 which should be around $60 – $65.  All proceeds go to our 2011 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for international missions.  We will have white, black, brown, & pink pearl sets.  We are taking orders now.  But wait if you call within the next fifteen minutes. . .

I enjoyed watching the second half of the Bama/UK basketball game last night.  Good win for Bama!  I know Timber was not a happy camper but they have won more than their share!

Regular schedule today/tonight.  Hope to have many members of the Friendship family join us.  I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.

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