If I were having to write this entry by hand, it would probably not happen. Lisa and I drove over to Orange Beach yesterday in order to attend a closing on a vacation home. I thought I signed my name a lot when we closed on our construction loan but I must have tripled that number of signatures yesterday! Wow, I think I have writer’s cramp! However, with that done, I do not have plans to do any more “closings” in the near future!
Jodie Johnson’s dad came home from the hospital. Rob Nevin’s stepmother had surgery on one of her eyes yesterday. Vera Bosarge’s sister is still waiting on a definitive word from the doctor. Little Lexie Whitehurst remains hospitalized as her lungs develop more fully. Miss Helen Ruth Brinkman remains in Pensacola where she lives with her son and his wife as she rehabs from her recent fall. Roy Blodgett continues to recover at home too. Miss Carol Kittles takes dialysis three times (I think) each week and she asked for our prayer support. Bro. Lonnie Miller remains hospitalized as does Jerry & Gloria Whitmore’s neighbor, Elton Love. We still have folks battling cancer who need our prayer support. Pray without ceasing!
The obituary for Miss Pauline Pugh was in yesterday’s paper. That service is tomorrow at noon preceded by two hours of visitation. The visitation/service will take place at Radney’s on Dauphin Street. Pray for Rachel and the family.
We had a comment yesterday from one of our Pentecostal readers, Donald Butler. (Please do not tell Pastor Tim Cauley that one of his members reads this Baptist preacher’s blog – LOL!) Donald & Pat are good friends and are very kind to our church as well as Lisa & me personally. I appreciate their taking the time to read something written by me. That gives us 11 readers!
Way to go T. Garrett – invite me to join you after you arrive back home! I see how you roll!
Curt Cignetti is expected to leave the Bama football coaching staff today as he will be introduced as the head coach at Indiana University Pennsylvania. So? He coached Bama’s receivers. Trooper Taylor coaches receivers. Does the name James Willis ring a bell? If that happens, I may have to jump ship!
By the way, rumor has it that Mark Harris will be named the head coach at Spanish Fort High School today as Coach Vincent has joined the staff at South. I have “sources” close to the situation.
Upward basketball tomorrow and regular schedule on Sunday for Bible study and worship. Pray that we will have a blessed day as we gather in His name.
If you have taken the time to read this far, let me explain yesterday’s closing in OB. My brother & his wife bought a vacation home in OB and, since they live in China, I am their POA which necessitated me representing them at the closing. So, I signed their names plus mine plus “AIF” a gazillion times. I sure hope I did not sign anything that will hold me liable! (T. Garrett, I may need a lawyer!) Life is good! FYI, I have the keys to that house and can make you a “sweet” offer on a rental – j/k!
I pray that you will have a great Friday, Saturday, & Sunday with Jesus.