“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10
T0day’s Bible reading – 2 Chronicles 1-3; John 10:1-23
Visited Becky Sellers fairly early yesterday morning. No significant change at that point and I spoke to Dave around 10:15PM last night and he said things were basically status quo. Since Becky is now under hospice care, she wants to go home and Dave is going to honor her request. So, it is very possible that either today or tomorrow she will be coming home. I write this just in case someone wants to visit them in the hospital today – probably should check first as they could be discharged.
I plan to visit with Dave & Becky tomorrow morning fairly early as I make my way to Pell City for Rusty & Anna’s wedding ceremony. I decided to stay in Grand Bay just in case and Rusty & Anna gave me their blessing to miss the rehearsal. Nice gesture on their part.
I think we should coordinate meals for Dave & Brittany plus other family members once they are home. Who wants to organize/coordinate this so we are not unbalanced (i.e. too much food one day and not enough the next) in this effort?
One more thing regarding Dave & Becky – at this point their door is open to any, and all, guests. Such nice people!
Spoke with Caleb Watson yesterday afternoon about his dad, Tommy Watson. Tommy is better. They are now thinking he will be moved to a local facility probably mid-week next week.
Had a nice visit with Miss Ica Walley yesterday afternoon along with her daughters Betty & Sue. Miss Ica is thankful for the prayer support and wants us to pray that she can get back in church soon. Is that not incredible? The lady loves the Lord Jesus and loves her church.
Received a call from a really good sibling in the Lord earlier this week. Facing some uncertainty regarding a medical issue. Concerned and asking for prayer. Needs to remain anonymous for the time being but I do ask you to join me in praying.
Bro. Benny & the bus workers meet this morning at 8:30AM and will then go into the community visiting folks inviting them to ride the buses to Sunday School and church tomorrow. Pray for this ministry.
Regular schedule tomorrow morning and evening. As I wrote yesterday, I have plans to be in the pulpit for all three services tomorrow. Hope those in town will join me in our services.
Bowling fellowship for the entire Friendship family tomorrow night. Cost is only five dollars per person with a maximum of twenty dollars per immediate family. Families will have the lanes from 8:00 – 10:00PM and then the students will take over from 10:00PM until midnight. Students are welcome to join their families but that would not be so cool – LOL!
I did make it to the Due South Bar-b-que restaurant this week. Did I receive the pastor’s discount? Hello! Actually, one member of the Friendship family who was in there pulled the old tried and true “I forgot my purse” and stuck me with her ticket too! I will not identify her but do ask that you pray for Grant! Plus, Elizabeth Westbrook basically harassed me the entire meal! Just saying!
Here is my menu question for DSB – you get slaw on a large sandwich but not on a small one. What is up with that? At Big Bob Gibson’s you get slaw on any sandwich regardless of the size. Plus, Big Bob has amazing white sauce! Just saying!
I mentioned Caleb earlier in this entry which leads me to the question – does Bo even work any more? She is never in the store when I go in needing assistance. Does not have delivery service either! Come on Bo!
Pray for me as I travel to Pell City and back today. Pray for the wedding ceremony. Pray for one another.
I pray you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.