
TUESDAY, 10/31/17

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10

Today’s Bible reading – Jeremiah 22 – 23; Titus 1

At the top of my prayer list today is Courtney Hubbard, her husband, Mark, and their three children.  Yesterday, Lisa cooked an absolutely amazing meal that Titus and I delivered to the Hubbard home around 5:00PM.  It was then that Mark & Courtney asked me to sit with them while they explained the seriousness of her present situation in this battle with cancer to their two sons and one daughter.  The medical professionals at M.D. Anderson are presently without any new options to treat Courtney.  They do plan on starting radiation next Monday and probably doing about fifteen of those treatments.  The hope is for these treatments to relieve some of the pain and problems Courtney is currently experiencing.  Would you join me in praying that these treatments will have the desired results?

Courtney is a fighter.  She is not giving up.  She is not giving in.  She is going to scratch and claw until she no longer can.  Her faith and trust in God is as strong as ever.  So, as the Lord brings her to your mind today will you please pray for her?  Thank you.

Nanette Fontenot will have a procedure done on her heart in the morning.  Pray that all goes well.

It is my understanding that Edwina Perkins will also have a surgical procedure done tomorrow.  I do not know all of those details but ask you to pray for Edwina too.

Robert Baria remains in a rehab facility but not for long.  He will soon be discharged and sent home.  It will take some adjusting on the part of Robert, Roseanne and the family but Robert is happy to be coming home.

I like Sundays!  I especially like this Sunday, 11/5, for a couple of reasons.  First, it is our “Harvest Day” which will feature the preaching ministry of Evangelist Keith Fordham.  He will preach at 8:00AM; 10:30AM; 5:00PM and 6:00PM.  This is a call for each member of the Friendship family to be prayed up and in attendance this Sunday!

The second reason I like this Sunday, 11/5, is because it is time change Sunday when we “fall back” one hour.  In effect, we gain an hour.  So, remember to set your time pieces back one hour before going to bed on Saturday night.

Phillip Turner is still looking for children wanting to play in our basketball leagues.  The leagues are designed for first graders through sixth graders but rumor has it he is allowing those in 5K to play too.

Will the Astros close the Dodgers out tonight?  Will the Dodgers force a game seven?  I will not watch the game but will keep up with the score.  Go Dodgers!

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.

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MONDAY, 10/30/17

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10

Today’s Bible reading – Jeremiah 20-21; II Timothy 4

The Lord blessed and we had a really good day in our services yesterday.  Our children’s church did a very nice job of sharing a song in our 10:30AM service.  Heidi Butler gave a nice testimony regarding the bus ministry and the role it played in her life.  It was great seeing Sarah Ladnier and her children in our second service.  I appreciate Bro. Benny, our bus workers, our preschool church workers, our nursery workers and our children’s church workers.  Obviously, the Sunday School teachers deserve thanks as well.  A lot of people are involved in impacting the lives of these children to the glory of God.

Our choir director, Jeanette Bates, was extremely flexible yesterday morning by allowing the children to sing even though she had the adult choir ready to go.  I appreciate Jeanette’s understanding and flexibility.  A blessing!

TJ & Lindsey Vice coordinated the Hallelujah Festival and they did a nice job.  Of course they had tons of help including the young men who play basketball for Dylan Westbrook.  I am grateful to each person who helped in any way.  I am not sure what the numbers were but there seemed to be a steady flow for the entire two hours.

The highlight of the night came when the pumpkin cake baked by Witney Edwards was auctioned off.  The decision was made by me to auction off the cake and give the money to our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions.  Gary Walton and Ross Hatcher were great sports in their bidding war which was eventually won by Gary with a bid of five hundred dollars.  Congratulations Gary and thanks for understanding the cause.  Gary gave the cake to Lisa and me for pastor appreciation.  What a nice gesture.  Lisa ate almost the entire cake last night!

GROW tonight at 6:30PM.

Prayer time tonight from 5:00 – 7:00PM in the auditorium.

I cannot stress enough the importance of this coming Sunday in the life of the Friendship family.  Really, really important Harvest Day.  Pray.  Attend.  Invite others.

Man, those Dodgers are killing me!  The good news is that they won one in Houston so the Series shifts back to LA for the next game or two.  Can they beat the Astros two in a row?  Ask me Thursday morning and I will let you know.

It is LSWho week for Alabama football.  Enough said.

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.




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SATURDAY, 10/28/17

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10

Today’s Bible reading – Jeremiah 15 – 17; II Timothy 2

Good Saturday morning from the Grand Rapids airport.  Lisa and I have had a full two days but they have been blessed days.

Dr. Derek Draft graciously saw both of us on Thursday to do some dental work.  Lisa’s work was seamless.  Dr. Derek was simply going to replace a filling for me and somehow he transformed that into a root canal!  I am still not sure how that happened but I am very grateful to Dr. Derek for his many acts of kindness to Lisa and me.  What a blessing!

The annual pig roast for GRACE Ministries was very good.  It seemed there were a “million” other things taking place in Southwest Michigan on Thursday night so our attendance was down to a little over one hundred.  However, there was a most excellent spirit in the meeting.  Pastor Joe David Bailey did an excellent job of bringing a challenge.  The guys spearheading the construction of the medical clinic did a nice job of sharing the continued vision.

Tom & Shari Compagner once again provided so much of the food.  Tom roasted the pig.  Tom & Shari, Gary & Jill Ellens, Nicole Linderman, Kathy Genzink, Pastor Joe & Lori all had a part in either the preparation of the food, the decorations, setting up tables and chairs, et cetera.  A number of folks helped with the cleaning up afterwards.  Ross Genzink did absolutely nothing in the way of help – just saying!

Yesterday, Lisa and I drove down to Paw Paw, Michigan to visit family.  We had a delightful time at breakfast and then toured The Shop which is a coffee roasting/retail shop owned by my cousins Tony & Kathy Gettig and Josh & Courtney Gettig.  I expect those guys will be millionaires real soon!

We had lunch with eleven other folks, Lisa shopped in downtown Holland (she loves downtown Holland), we met with Doctors Mark & Karen Stid and then enjoyed a wonderful steak dinner at Tom & Shari’s.  Ryan & Rochelle Genzink and their triplets joined us for supper last night.  I am happy to report that Rochelle did not take even one “smoke” break during the evening – the girl is making improvement!

Pastor Bob Harvey was able to fly in on Thursday and is now flying out on the same flight as Lisa and me.  It is always good to see Pastor Bob and I appreciate his involvement in GRACE Ministries.

Regular schedule tomorrow morning and evening as far as the times are concerned.  Of course our evening schedule will feature our “Hallelujah Festival” in the CAB.  Pray for our services!

I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.

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THURSDAY, 10/26/17

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10

Today’s Bible reading – Jeremiah 9 – 11; I Timothy 6

Lisa and I arrived safe and sound in Michigan late yesterday afternoon.  We enjoyed some time with Tom & Shari and Ross & Kathy before going to the airport to get Pastor Joe & Lori Breedlove.  Pastor Joe will be speaking tomorrow night at the pig roast.

Watched Tom & Tyler put the pig on the grill late yesterday afternoon.  Big hog.  Had to turn the head just to make it fit on the grill with the lid closed.  Tom will fire up the grill early this morning.

The weather is very good here – night time low of thirty two degrees!  It is beautiful in Michigan this time of the year.

If you sponsor a child at the feeding center and have not contacted me personally within the last couple of days, please do so.  Thank you.

I am writing this entry shortly after midnight and Pastor Jordan Lollar just gave me an update on the Dodgers.  Not looking good for them.  Now they will have to win at least one in Houston.  Tough place to play.

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.


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WEDNESDAY, 10/25/17

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10

Today’s Bible reading – Jeremiah 6 – 8; I Timothy 5

Regular schedule this morning and evening.  Remember, the late night Bible study has now been moved to Thursday nights at 6:45PM.

Had a nice visit with Robert, Roseanne, Kevin & Heather yesterday.  Robert continues to improve.  Small steps.  God is good.

Lisa and I were also able to visit Greg & Rita Boutwell yesterday afternoon.  Greg is always encouraging even though his situation has not improved.  God has a strong faith in God.

Lisa and I attempted to visit Levi, Brianne and Layton but the evidently saw us coming and closed the blinds.

Basketball evaluations tomorrow night.

Hallelujah Festival Sunday night from 5:00 – 7:00PM.

Lisa and I leave this morning heading to Michigan for the annual GRACE Ministries pig roast which will take place tomorrow night, 10/26.  Our plan is to visit family in the Kalamazoo area on Friday before returning home on Saturday.  Lord willing, I will be in the pulpit for both morning services on Sunday.

The Dodgers won game one of the World Series last night.  I kept up with the score via the internet and took a peep or two at the actual game.  Clayton Kershaw is an amazing pitcher.  Sandy Koufax attended last night’s game.  Koufax, Kershaw, wow!  Can the Dodgers handle Verlander tonight?  He has been tough in the playoffs.

I just walked outside (3:00AM) and it is 48 degrees – hallelujah!  The expected high in Grand Bay today is 68 degrees.  The expected high today in Holland, Michigan is 49 degrees and the low for tonight is expected to be 33 degrees – double hallelujah!

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.

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TUESDAY, 10/24/17

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10

Today’s Bible reading – Jeremiah 3 – 5; I Timothy 4

Why has there been no entry for the past three days?  Two words – Rex Looney.  Why is this entry late?  Hey, late is better than not having one at all, right?

My yesterday was basically spent in the office so I do not have a report on anyone for whom we have been praying.  The good news is that we do not presently have anyone in the hospital.  I will be making visits today.

The Friendship family will host the men from the Mission of Hope this Friday night, 10/27, beginning at 6:30PM.  They will be given a fish fry.  Friendship folks are asked to bring the sides i.e. baked beans, potato salad, tea, bread, desserts as the fish will be provided.  Immediately following the meal the men will go into the auditorium and Bro. Jerry Hovel will preach the Word.

We will celebrate our bus ministries’ forty fifth birthday this Sunday in our 10:30AM service.  God has faithfully  allowed the Friendship family to be involved in this ministry for forty five consecutive years!  To God be the glory!

Hallelujah Festival on Sunday night, 10/29, from 5:00 – 7:00PM.  Donations of bagged candy and cakes still needed.

If you sponsor a child in our feeding center program and missed the meeting this past Sunday night, please contact me.

Astros vs Dodgers in the first game of the World Series tonight.  Tickets are priced high!  (Not as high as last year but still very high)  Rumor has it that if Bobby and the boys had made it to the WS he was going to hook his pastor up with airfare, lodging, game tickets, lunch with the President, et cetera!

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.


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Levi & Brianne Seymour welcomed their first born child into this world yesterday afternoon.  His name is Layton Michael Seymour and he weighed eight pounds and thirteen ounces.  He is twenty one inches long.  As far as I know, mother and son are doing fine.

Congratulations to Levi & Brianne, Kerry & Sherry Woods and Levi’s parents too.

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FRIDAY, 10/20/17

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10

Today’s Bible reading – Isaiah 59 – 61; II Thessalonians 3

Good morning from Birmingham!  Lisa and I drove here last night and will be meeting up with Tom & Shari Compagner and Ross & Kathy Genzink later today.  Tomorrow, Lord willing, we will attend the Alabama football game – annual tradition.

Levi & Brianne Seymour are set to become parents at some point today.  Daddy Levi.  (Let that sink in for a few minutes)  Brianne was admitted to the hospital yesterday afternoon and labor will be induced this morning.  Pray for everything to go well in the birthing process.  I love Brianne!

Dylan tells me that we had a good first night of our young adult Bible study.  Good attendance and good discussion.  They will meet again next Thursday at 6:45PM in the youth building.

Lindsey Vice is screaming at me to collect more bags of wrapped candy for the Hallelujah Festival.  Containers in the auditorium foyer and fellowship hall.  By the way, I “think” there will be a meeting of the HF workers this Sunday, 10/22, immediately following the evening service.  Lindsey could strike that down.  I will let you know.

Speaking of meetings, I need to meet with those folks who sponsor a child in our feeding center program in Guatemala.  This meeting will take place this Sunday, 10/22, immediately following the evening service and will be held in the youth building.  Also need those who financially support the feeding center on a regular basis to attend this meeting.  Important.  Will only last a few minutes.

In the first twenty eight years of my life, the Dodgers appeared in eight World Series (63, 65, 66, 74, 77, 78, 81 & 88) winning four (63, 65, 81 & 88).  The next twenty nine years saw the Dodgers play in zero World Series.  Nada.  Zilch.  So not true any longer as the Dodger are World Series bound in 2017 having beaten the Cubbies last night.  Go Dodgers!

Hey, I found Jack Lastorka yesterday.  Wrong person.  I am still looking for jack!  Someone please send him my way.

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.


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THURSDAY, 10/19/17

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10

Today’s Bible reading – Isaiah 56-58; II Thessalonians 2

We had a good day in our services yesterday/last night.  We give God the glory.

Tonight marks the moving of the young adult Bible study from Wednesdays to Thursdays.  Pray for Dylan Westbrook as he facilitates this study tonight.

The visitation with the Bradley Cumbie family takes place today beginning at 1:00PM and lasting until the 2:00PM service time.  Visitation and service at Serenity Funeral Home in Theodore.  Pray for Caroline and family.

Well, the Cubs still have a pulse!  I am sure Pastor Wes Bates is all smiles this morning.  And the Yankees have certainly stormed back in their series against the Astros.  Personally, I think the entire MLB season should be winding down right now instead of just now being in the league championship series.  I do not think they have asked for my opinion.

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.


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WEDNESDAY, 10/18/17

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10

Today’s Bible reading – Isaiah 53 – 55; II Thessalonians 1

Robert Baria was moved to a rehab facility on Monday.  I spoke to his daughter last night and he seems to be doing well.  Keep praying for Robert, Roseanne and family.

I posted the obit for Bradley Cumbie yesterday.  Keep praying for Caroline and family.

We are on a regular schedule this morning and tonight with one notable change.  We began having a college/young adult Bible study on Wednesday nights around fifteen years ago.  We met in the youth building a time or two before moving it to our house.  Lisa has cooked hundreds of meals over those years feeding those in attendance.  She has done a superb job and has not complained even once.  Tonight, that group will not meet as we have moved this Bible study to Thursday nights in hopes of drawing more people.  They will meet tomorrow night at 6:45PM in the youth building.  Dylan Westbrook will be facilitating the study for the initial two weeks.  Jonny Gaston has been a huge help in getting this thing moved to Thursday nights.  So, tonight will be “strange” for us but it is a good strange!

I am looking for jack.  If anyone sees him, please have him contact me immediately!

Enjoyed a vacation day yesterday.  Was able to get some work done outside.  What a delightful weather day!  Folks, yesterday’s weather here is basically every day’s weather in El Tejar, Guatemala.

Lisa, Dana, & I took the grandchildren to the fair in Pascagoula last night.  The Edwards three joined us.  We saw half of the Friendship family there.  It was a good night.

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.


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