SATURDAY, 1/31/15
Today’s Bible reading – Exodus 12:14-13:16 Matthew 20:29-21:22 Psalm 25:16-22 Proverbs 6:12-15
First, let me say “thank you” to Karla Cooper and the members of Bro. Sonny Bates’ Sunday School class for leading the feeding ministry to the Morrison family. That “thank you” extends to many others who are helping by bringing food and drinks to the fellowship hall today. You have responded beautifully. All of the food/drinks need to be in the fellowship hall no later than 11:00AM today. The fellowship hall will be open by 5:30AM. Again, “thank you” Friendship family for responding.
The visitation with the Morrison family takes place from 10:00AM until the noon service time today. Both will take place at Serenity Funeral Home in Theodore. Pray for the family and for Pastor Scotty Scott as he preaches the service.
Today is the last Saturday of this Upward season. The league play will end on weeknights next week. Kristy Sullenberger Whitehurst is stepping down as the league director after this season. I appreciate the good job she has done in coordinating this ministry. The Lord already has someone in place to lead this ministry next season.
Bus visitation this morning at 8:30AM. The workers meet in the office suite.
Phil’s daughter, Angela, did well through her surgery yesterday. Praise the Lord!
Kelli Stork was discharged from the hospital yesterday. Still has a headache but it is manageable.
I am “assuming” Ginny Easterling was discharged yesterday too.
Andy & Betty Hamil’s friend, Denise Tindle, has now been diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme which is a brain tumor. Prayers needed.
Important – I need two able bodied men to be at the church in the morning at 6:00AM to help the Nelons unload and set up. If you can fill this ministry need, please contact me today. (Best way is 445 5416 and leave a message unless you happen to see me in person today)
The Nelons will be in our 10:30AM and 6:00PM services tomorrow. Pass the word! Pray, attend, bring others!
The GRACE team being led by Pastor Bob Harvey had a good first day of ministry. You can read the update on the GRACE blog.
Bro. Chris Taylor, Bro. Jim Chinners and Lynne Watson have tickets for the “not so newlywed” fellowship on 2/13. See them for the details.
Regular schedule tomorrow. Baptism in the 10:30AM service. Hope to see many members of the Friendship family in attendance.
I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.