FRIDAY, 3/31/23
Dr. Rex, do not continue reading this entry until you have a box of Kleenex with you as you will need them. Trust me!
Dale Ellerman is scheduled to have surgery this morning. Pray that it all goes well.
Bill Kendrick went in for a “normal” normal gall bladder removal Wednesday. In, surgery, out, home! Not so fast my friend. Bill had some major complications that I will not go into and he was not in a good place yesterday afternoon. However, things turned for the better early last night. Hopefully that trend will continue this morning. Pray for Bill & Debbie.
Terrel Brooks remains in CCU. Saw Nanette yesterday afternoon and there really is no new happenings. The hospital does not have an open room for him. Personally, I think the more money one has the longer they keep them in the unit.
Keep praying for Myrtle Bowden.
I do not have an update on Michelle Fore’s mother but do know that we need to continue to pray. I “think” Michelle returns to work today which will be her first day since her surgery. (Lee has yet to work a day in his life – just saying!)
The celebration of life service for Deanna’s mother, Sue Carpenter, takes place at Heritage Funeral Home today beginning at 3:00PM. Pray for Larry and family.
Work day, garden work and soccer all take place in the morning beginning at 8:00AM.
Our granddaughter, Sydney, lives in Guatemala and is ten years old. She now has a favorite television show that comes on like at 5:00AM. She gets up to watch it daily. The show? “The Andy Griffith Show!” “Just a bed and a Bible!” (Dr Rex just got overwhelmed emotionally!)
I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.