THURSDAY, 4/28/22
The Lord blessed us with a good day in our services yesterday. Our evening service had a really good attendance. Thank you to those who are faithful to attend.
Steve Morris will have a biopsy done tomorrow, a scan next Thursday, 5/5, and then a meeting with the doctor on Monday, 5/9. I am thankful that something is being done as Steve has been in a waiting period.
As far as I know, no other significant changes for anyone else for whom we have been praying. Just keep praying!
Seven of us left Mobile this morning heading to Guatemala. We will be joined by two others in Atlanta. It is a ministry trip that coincides with a wedding.
We need to hear from the Friendship family regarding the crawfish/shrimp boil on Sunday, May 8, beginning at 5:00PM. Call the church office today or sign the list this Sunday.
Senior adults who have not signed up for this Sunday’s meal need to contact Bro. Jerry. It is going to be great.
I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.