

Memorial Day (originally called Decoration Day) is a special day for Americans to remember those who have died in battle while serving our country.  I am thankful for the men and women who gave their all that we might enjoy the freedoms associated with living in the greatest country in the world. 

Originally, Memorial Day was observed May 30 each year until 1971 when Congress passed the National Holiday Act to assure a three day weekend.  Personally, I wish it were still observed on the 30th so as to help us remember the real reason for the day. 

However, Memorial Day also has a special meaning to me as it was on May 30 that Lisa Clark made her entrance into this world at 8:25AM at the Singing River Hospital in Pascagoula, MS.  What year?  I will simply say that she looks 30 but she has reached one of those ages where if you reverse the digits then you are still the same age i.e. 11, 22, et cetera. Happy birthday, Lisa!  Other than Jesus, Lisa is the best thing to ever happen to me!  Now, if I only had a card and a gift I would be all set!

I asked about a condo for Evangelist Michael Mason and his family to use next week and T. Garrett Wright from New York City offered one on the New Jersey shoreline.  I appreciate the offer but it really wasn’t what the Mason family had in mind! 

My prayer is that each member of the Friendship family will make attending the services this Sunday, June 3, a priority!  Pray, attend, and invite others to join you for this special day!  Dr. Michael’s e-mail address is and it would be great if members of the Friendship family reading this would send him a note of encouragement letting him know you are praying for him and the services Sunday. 

Our students need to note that we will have a late night bowling fellowship this Sunday, June 3, from 9:00AM until midnight.  Attendance in the evening service is a must. 

Martha Patrick’s brother, James Swann, is in an ICU at one of the local hospitals.  He is on a ventilator.  Martha is very concerned.  I will take her to the hospital this morning to meet with the doctor to discuss her brother’s situation.  Pray for Martha as she is not in the best of health and has lost a couple of family members to death in recent months. 

Dewayne Lavelle’s aunt, Paulette Tillman, had surgery yesterday and it went well.  She will be hospitalized for a few days so please keep her in your prayers. 

Whitney Bryant is scheduled for surgery next Monday followed by Rachel Haynes on Tuesday.  Jeanette Bates follows them on 6/14 and Jason Husband on 6/15.  Pray for these folks and their respective surgeries. 

Chris & Nicole Taylor, Delaney, Larry, & Rachel Crawley all left yesterday for Africa.  Delaney will be doing mission work.  As for the other four, oh well, they still need our prayers! 

Bro. Jerry and Tena led a crew of folks yesterday as they worked on props for next week’s VBS.  Myrtle was busy gathering supplies, refreshments, et cetera.  I appreciate all the effort that goes into making our VBS a very exciting week within the life of the Friendship family.  Want to help with the preparations?  Come on down! 

Lord willing, Dewayne will be uploading our newsletter onto the website later today once Miss Camp has completed it and sent it to him via e-mail.  Check it out! 

I pray that you will have a blessed day! 



Written by Teddie in: Daily |


I apologize for not posting yesterday but it was a holiday and I basically spent the day outside mowing grass, spraying Round Up (which explains our getting rain), and weed eating.  It was a good off day and we also enjoyed some family time around the grill. 

The Lord blessed our services this past Sunday.  Yes, our attendance was down some but all in all it was a good day.  Mr. Sidney Hanson (8:00AM) and Jennifer Brinkman (10:30AM) united with the Friendship family by transfer of letter.  Both of these individuals have been attending our services lately and felt led to join us.  I thank God for being the giver of the increase and we give Him the glory!

In my last entry I asked for information regarding Craig & Jennifer’s baby.  I had two responses.  Clara Broadus wrote to inform me that Demi Ellyn Moss entered this world on Wednesday, May 23, weighing 5 pounds 13 ounces and measuring 19 3/4 inches long. 

Another person whom I will allow to remain anonymous (lives in Birmingham, used to live in Grand Bay, husband was Postmaster, she served as church hostess here, beautician) wrote to say that Demi checked into this world weighing 19 pounds and 13 ounces!  Wow!  I think I am going to go with Clara’s information as being the correct information! 

Alisha Vice did return home safely from Peru.  I spoke to her briefly during the 8:00AM service Sunday and she said that it was a good trip.  Praise the Lord!

I received an e-mail from Mark Mast during the night telling me that his dad had been involved in a farming accident on May 18.  He is going to be okay physically but remains in the hospital.  (This is also Shari Compagner, Jill Ellens, & Kathy Genzink’s uncle – you tell me why one of those three didn’t tell me of this accident – they are on my list now!)  I ask you to join me in praying for Mr. Mast’s complete recovery from these injuries.

Evangelist Michael Mason e-mailed yesterday to say that he and his family are looking forward to being with us this Sunday, 6/3.  I encourage you to pray, attend, and bring others with you to these services.  Michael will be preaching in all three services and they will be singing in the 10:30AM & 6:00PM services.  I am looking forward to seeing Crystal, Allysa, & Garrett. 

Dr. Michael also said they are thinking of staying at the Gulf for a few days early next week.  If anyone knows of an available (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday nights) condo at a good rate, please contact me asap.  Thanks!

Our Vacation Bible School begins next Monday, June 4, at 9:00AM!  Pray for Bro. Jerry, Myrtle Bowden, all of the workers, and the hundreds of children who will be a part of this exciting week. 

Our Finance Committee members are asked to remember their meeting tonight beginning at 7:00PM. 

I trust that you will have a great day with Jesus!

Written by Teddie in: Daily |


Ken & Jean Assink have been good friends of my family, the Friendship family, and GRACE Ministries for the past eight years or so.  I have been asking you to join me in praying for Ken’s mother, Ella, as she has been doing battle with cancer.  She is now at rest as God promoted her to Heaven.  Her funeral service will be held this morning in Holland, Michigan and I ask you to join me in praying for Ken, Jean, and the entire family during this time.  Miss Ella lived 88 years on this earth and has now begun her eternal life in Heaven. 

I am assuming that Craig & Jennifer Moss are the proud parents of a new addition to their family.  They were going to induce labor Wednesday morning so I think it would be safe to assume that Jennifer has given birth by now.  If not, pray for Craig!  Sandra McElwee or anyone else in the know, send me the details via e-mail. 

Speaking of babies, I think Tiffany Fox is next on the list to give birth as she is due in early June.  Kayla Hatcher is due at some point in late July.  I am eagerly awaiting the birth of Juan Jose DeYoung in Michigan and I think that will be a July birth also. 

Alisha Vice is scheduled to arrive home today from her mission trip to Peru.  That shout you will hear will be Rita when she sees her baby has returned safe and sound.  I will share some of the trip details once I have a chance to speak with Alisha. 

Tonight, three members (Rick B., Whitney B. & Johnny L.) of the Friendship family will graduate from Faith Academy.  (Wonder if Johnny will wear his cap & gown?)  This will be the first time I have missed a Faith graduation ceremony in about seven years or so.  However, I have found it impossible to be in two places at one time and I will be in Odenville, Alabama for the Huffstutler/Schoen wedding rehearsal.  What ville?  If you have to ask, then never mind! 

It is basically a last minute deal but we will be recognizing our senior saints this Sunday during our 10:30AM worship service.  After that service, the church will treat this special group to a meal at the Lakeview Catfish Cabin in Mississippi.  I thank God for our senior saints and for their involvement in our various ministries. 

After promising to cut grass at my in laws yesterday, it never happened.  Charles is threatening legal action so I will have to cut for a few hours early this morning before making the 300 miles drive to Odenville.  What will?  I’ll be 80 years old and Charles will still be going strong at 110! 

It is a holiday weekend which means lots of folks will be traveling.  If you have plans to travel, be careful and go to church somewhere on Sunday.  If you live in south Mobile County and are in town, join us in Bible study and worship this Sunday. 

Please note that our church office will be closed this Monday, 5/28, in observance of Memorial Day.  I will probably blog at some point over the weekend but it could be Tuesday morning before another post is entered.  However, if anything urgent happens within the Friendship family then I will enter a post.

I hope you will have a great day serving Jesus! 


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The Lord blessed and we had good services/Bible studies yesterday morning and last night.  The attendance in our morning service was up considerably from where it has been the past few weeks.  I thank God for a church family which sees the importance of the Wednesday services. 

There is no significant change in any of the folks battling the various illnesses.  We are blessed in that no one from the Friendship family is presently in the hospital.  Nate’s dad, Mike Blaylock, continues to recover at home as does Lois Kirschenman, Carmen Reyer, and Steve Morris.  Rachel Haynes (back), Sambo Bowden (back) and Jeanette Bates (hip replacement) are next on the list for surgery with all three scheduled for June. 

Tonight I will have the privilege of attending the graduation ceremony at the Grace Tabernacle Baptist Church school.  Megan DeGeer is our only graduate from that school.  She actually finished her studies in December but will walk with her class tonight.  Congratulations Megan (Bo)! 

Today is going to be an off day for me as I will be traveling to Odenville tomorrow for the Huffstutler/Schoen wedding rehearsal.  I get to visit with our CPA first and then back to the mower at my in laws. 

I pray that you will have a great day! 


Written by Teddie in: Daily |


God is good!  I received an e-mail update from Nate Blaylock last night informing me that his dad, Mike Blaylock, had indeed been released from the hospital on Monday.  The doctor instructed Mike & Sonja on how to care for the incision/infection and allowed him to go home just one week after his surgery.  Needless to say, Mike is happy to be home.  Please continue to pray for his recovery and complete healing. 

Lois Kirschenman did well through her surgery yesterday.  She was home by 4:00PM with some discomfort but doing well nonetheless.  I would ask that you keep her in your prayers too.

I learned yesterday that Christine Leasure fell on Monday.  Chris is in a physical rehab center in Ocean Springs, MS.  At this point, I do not know the extent of her injuries related to the fall.  Pray for Miss Chris and Bro. Jack. 

I want to express my appreciation to those from the Friendship family who attended the funeral visitation and/or service for Mrs. Ruth Womack yesterday.  Miss Ruth was a sweet, Christian lady and it is a comfort to know that she is now in the presence of Jesus.  Please continue to pray for that family. 

I am excited about Evangelist Michael Mason and his family being with us for all three of our worship services on Sunday, June 3.  I simply ask that you continue to pray for this special day, make plans to be present, and invite others to join you. 

The month of June will also see us host the Jack Ciak family from Guatemala, Pastor Travis Northcutt from Kentucky, and Evangelist Johnny Tucker.  I will share more details in the days ahead. 

Vacation Bible School begins at Friendship on Monday, June 4, at 9:00AM.  I hope you are praying as we will host between 300 – 400 folks each day.  It’s wild and wonderful! 

We will have the privilege of hosting our friends from the Friendship Christian Reformed Church from Byron Center, Michigan beginning Saturday evening, June 9.  This student ministry group will be here doing hurricane relief work along the Gulf Coast and will use our facilities as their base of operations. 

The busiest day of the week is once again upon me.  I hope that the members of the Friendship family will join us either this morning or evening for Bible study and prayer. 

Oh by the way, Jennifer Moss is supposed to give birth to her third child today as they are inducing labor.  Craig & Jennifer live in Hoover, AL now but Craig is a product of Grand Bay and of the Friendship family.  Pray for this family as the Lord increases their number today.

Could you add the names of Lois Holland (cancer) and Robin Ramsey (loss of wife) to your prayer list?  These are folks that I don’t know personally but have received e-mails from members of the Friendship family requesting prayer.  Thanks!


Written by Teddie in: Daily |


Sorry that this entry is late but the internet service was down this morning during the only window I had to update.  As you know, I always try to post fairly early each weekday. 

The visitation for Mrs. Ruth Womack is taking place now.  I have there with the family and will be going back to Memorial Gardens to preach that service at noon.  Please remember to pray for that family.  Thanks to the members of the Friendship family who have helped with the food preparation – you are an awesome church family!

The Alma Bryant High School Class of 2007 will hold their graduation service this afternoon at 3:00PM at the USA Mitchell Center.  I listed those graduates yesterday as we honored them in our 10:30AM service Sunday.  Congratulations are in order to these graduates as they close this chapter in their lives and move forward.  Lord willing, I will be in attendance for that graduation ceremony. 

Kayla Huffstutler and Darren Schoen will be joined in marriage this Saturday, 5/26, in Odenville, Alabama.  Kayla is the daughter of Kathy (Kevin) Wadkins.  I realize most members of the Friendship family will not be able to attend this ceremony because of the distance involved but I do ask that you pray for this couple as they begin their life together. 

Carmen Reyer and Steve Morris did well in their respective surgeries yesterday.  Lois Kirschenman is at the hospital this morning awaiting her surgery time.  Mike Blaylock did not get to go home from the hospital as he has an infection around his surgical incision.  He is on a strong medication to fight the infection and that medicine tends to make him pretty sick.  So, please pray for each of these situations. 

I pray that you will have a good day as you serve the Lord Jesus! 

Written by Teddie in: Daily |


The funeral arrangements for Mrs. Ruth Womack are as follows:  visitation tomorrow, 5/22, from 10:00AM until noon at the Mobile Memorial Gardens Funeral Home.  The service will begin at noon in the funeral home’s chapel. 

Scott Eckert’s grandfather, Jack Brown, passed away last Thursday and his service was held yesterday afternoon in Moss Point.  Please pray for that family. 

Carmen Reyer is having surgery today and Lois Kirschenman will have surgery tomorrow.  Mike Blaylock is recovering nicely from his surgery and hopes to go home from the hospital soon.  Neal Barnes is home.  He has gotten a motorized wheelchair but there is a need for a lift that can get him in and out of a vehicle.  If anyone knows where the family can purchase a good, used one then please call our church office. 

Ken Assink’s mother, Mrs. Ella Assink, continues to decline physically in her battle with cancer.  These are friends from Michigan and I appreciate your continued prayer support for them.

We had a good service yesterday morning as we recognized the Class of 2007.  Here is a list of the graduates we honored in that service: 

UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA – Rebecca Bates, Rachel Crawley, & Ruth Hart

UNIVERSITY OF MOBILE – Steven Kelley & Pam Landry

UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMA – Stephanie Guidry & Janiece Medrano

BRYANT HIGH SCHOOL – Adam Blackwell, Reed Hatcher, Brooke Hill, Bo Jones,           Rusty Suthoff, Mark Vice & Khari Williams

FAITH ACADEMY – Rick Bradley, Jr., Whitney Bryant, Johnny Ladnier


The team from 1st Baptist Lacombe, Louisiana is doing well.  Their leader is Pastor Byron Brown.  His wife, Liz, is three weeks away from her due date of giving birth to their second child.  Yesterday morning on the way to church in Lacombe, she was involved in an automobile accident.  She is having light contractions every ten minutes or so but they aren’t sure if that is because of her closeness to the due date or the accident.  So, please pray for this situation. 

I pray that you will have a great day in the Lord!


Written by Teddie in: Daily |


The funeral arrangements for Mrs. Ruth Womack remain incomplete as the family will meet with the funeral director this morning.  I will post those finalized arrangements later today. 

Also, I am going to list our 2007 graduates later today.

So, check the blog later today.  Go to church today!

Written by Teddie in: Daily |


This morning shortly after 7:00AM Mrs. Ruth Womack left this life to enter Heaven.  Mrs. Ruth is the mother of Annette Sims, Judy Whitehurst, Larry Womack, & Vaughn Womack.  She was a long time faithful member of the Friendship family along with her husband, Alvin, who preceded her in death.  Pray for this family as they go through this time of mourning her passing yet celebrating her life and her eternal life! 

The arrangements are incomplete but I will post those once they have been finalized. 

Pray for Judy as she has been up all night sitting beside her mother and has the wedding for Curtis & Marisa this afternoon at 2:00PM. 

Written by Teddie in: Daily |


Word came yesterday that the doctors told Neal Barnes that there were no more treatment options for his cancer.  Obviously, this news was not what the Barnes family wanted to hear but they are still trusting the Lord.  Pray for Neal and his family during this time. 

Mike Blaylock continues to do remarkably well in his recovery from surgery.  He is not experiencing much pain or some of the potential side effects they anticipated.  The doctors gave him a good report Wednesday night regarding the area where the liver was divided and removed.  Keep praying. 

Jay Black’s sister, Bre, was in the hospital yesterday giving birth to her twins but I didn’t hear the time of birth, weights, et cetera from Jay or Robin yet.  The Lord has blessed by allowing Bre to carry these babies long enough for them to develop physically.  Pray for Bre and the babies.

I had the privilege of meeting Mike Parker and David Manuel from Seymour, TN yesterday afternoon.  (Can anything good come out of Tennessee?)  Mike has a ministry called Clubhouse Ministries which is basically a block party in a trailer.  Churches looking to have an evangelistic outreach using inflatables, games, et cetera might want to take a look at Mike’s website –  It appears the Lord may orchestrate Clubhouse Ministries and GRACE Ministries partnering together to do ministry in Guatemala possibly as early as August.

I look forward to recognizing the Class of 2007 this Sunday.  I am going to post again later today or early tomorrow listing the known graduates within the Friendship family.

Speaking of graduates, we received an e-invitation from Rachel Mast in Canada as she is graduating high school this year.  She has been accepted to attend Moody Bible Institute next Fall.  Rachel is a sweetheart and I congratulate her on her graduation!  Of course, Rachel is the daughter of our missionary friends, Mark & Tina Mast.  (Actually, I think I am a former friend of Mark’s for the immediate future!)   

Daphne & Brad’s wedding shower is Sunday afternoon, we will baptize Sunday night, we will have a Wild Week meeting Sunday night, and there are still two openings for men on the July 3 – 10 GRACE trip.  Also, it is possible there could be one opening on the June 18 – 25 trip but that hasn’t been confirmed yet.  Contact Bro. Jerry about the June trip and me about the July trip, if interested.

It is off to Wal Mart and then back to cut grass at my in-laws as I try to get in that will.  Charles has told me if I keep cutting the grass every week this summer that he will put me in his will to get his boat! 

I pray you will have a great day with Jesus! 

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