Memorial Day (originally called Decoration Day) is a special day for Americans to remember those who have died in battle while serving our country. I am thankful for the men and women who gave their all that we might enjoy the freedoms associated with living in the greatest country in the world.
Originally, Memorial Day was observed May 30 each year until 1971 when Congress passed the National Holiday Act to assure a three day weekend. Personally, I wish it were still observed on the 30th so as to help us remember the real reason for the day.
However, Memorial Day also has a special meaning to me as it was on May 30 that Lisa Clark made her entrance into this world at 8:25AM at the Singing River Hospital in Pascagoula, MS. What year? I will simply say that she looks 30 but she has reached one of those ages where if you reverse the digits then you are still the same age i.e. 11, 22, et cetera. Happy birthday, Lisa! Other than Jesus, Lisa is the best thing to ever happen to me! Now, if I only had a card and a gift I would be all set!
I asked about a condo for Evangelist Michael Mason and his family to use next week and T. Garrett Wright from New York City offered one on the New Jersey shoreline. I appreciate the offer but it really wasn’t what the Mason family had in mind!
My prayer is that each member of the Friendship family will make attending the services this Sunday, June 3, a priority! Pray, attend, and invite others to join you for this special day! Dr. Michael’s e-mail address is and it would be great if members of the Friendship family reading this would send him a note of encouragement letting him know you are praying for him and the services Sunday.
Our students need to note that we will have a late night bowling fellowship this Sunday, June 3, from 9:00AM until midnight. Attendance in the evening service is a must.
Martha Patrick’s brother, James Swann, is in an ICU at one of the local hospitals. He is on a ventilator. Martha is very concerned. I will take her to the hospital this morning to meet with the doctor to discuss her brother’s situation. Pray for Martha as she is not in the best of health and has lost a couple of family members to death in recent months.
Dewayne Lavelle’s aunt, Paulette Tillman, had surgery yesterday and it went well. She will be hospitalized for a few days so please keep her in your prayers.
Whitney Bryant is scheduled for surgery next Monday followed by Rachel Haynes on Tuesday. Jeanette Bates follows them on 6/14 and Jason Husband on 6/15. Pray for these folks and their respective surgeries.
Chris & Nicole Taylor, Delaney, Larry, & Rachel Crawley all left yesterday for Africa. Delaney will be doing mission work. As for the other four, oh well, they still need our prayers!
Bro. Jerry and Tena led a crew of folks yesterday as they worked on props for next week’s VBS. Myrtle was busy gathering supplies, refreshments, et cetera. I appreciate all the effort that goes into making our VBS a very exciting week within the life of the Friendship family. Want to help with the preparations? Come on down!
Lord willing, Dewayne will be uploading our newsletter onto the website later today once Miss Camp has completed it and sent it to him via e-mail. Check it out!
I pray that you will have a blessed day!