WEDNESDAY, 4/30/14
Today’s Bible reading – Judges 11:1-12:15 John 1:1-28 Psalm 101:1-8 Proverbs 14:13-14
I apologize for no blog entry yesterday but Bro. Chris had the website down making some changes. I appreciate his work and the new design. The main difference is that the site is now much easier to navigate on a mobile device or so says Bro. Chris. Honestly, it has made no difference on my cell phone!
Miss Bea Unrue remains in ICU but is making improvement. She is no longer on the ventilator as she had a tracheotomy procedure done on Monday afternoon. She communicated with me yesterday by basically mouthing her words to me.
Each time I visit with Gail Bishop she is asleep. She is also making improvement.
Dana Taylor will be having surgery early this morning. As a matter of fact, she has to be at the hospital at 4:45AM which is about as early as you will hear of someone having to be there. She is supposed to stay one night.
We are on a regular schedule this morning and evening.
We have five folks leaving early tomorrow bound for El Salvador and the anniversary celebration of The Vine Church. The other eight folks will leave on Friday morning.
Wow, have we had some rain for the past two days! I am curious to hear from some of our folks with rain gauges as to the amount of rain that has fallen in South Mobile County. Charles & Soy helped dig a trench on the west side (high side) of the garden late Monday afternoon and, without that, it may have washed completely away that night. I went down to check on the chickens yesterday morning and they were wearing life preservers.
Our roses for mothers concept has not taken off like I thought it would. Folks, you have until this Sunday evening to place/pay for your rose(s). We do not plan on having extras available on that Mother’s Day morning so order/pay now.
Heading to the hospital. I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.