FRIDAY, 5/29/09
“It is God who removes the mountains, they know not how, when He overturns them in His anger; Who shakes the earth out of its place, and its pillars tremble;” (Job 9:5-6)
Around 2:30AM yesterday morning I was up beginning to get ready for the trip home when I thought I felt “dizzy” only to quickly realize the house was moving due to an earthquake. It was a strong enough movement to awaken Soy (which is no small feat in itself). Paul would call to tell me it registered 7.1 on the Richter scale and Mike Clark reported that it lasted for forty-five seconds. Of course, the center of the quake was many miles away but it is something to experience even being on the outer perimeter. As I was coming home, I couldn’t help but think of how powerful God is. He can shake the earth – wow!
We did arrive home from Guatemala safe & sound and I am very thankful to God for traveling mercies. I was actually through customs in Houston in twenty minutes which is a blessing too.
Word came to me yesterday afternoon that Brandon has been resurrected from the sick bed and was mowing the lawn at the mission house. The team from Faith Baptist of Bartlett arrived and they are beginning their ministry today. Pray for them.
Lindsey Hatcher will be become Mrs. Timothy Wayne Vice, Jr. tomorrow night. The wedding ceremony begins at 6:00PM and you are cordially invited to attend the ceremony and the reception that follows. Lindsey certainly chased TJ long enough so I am glad that she finally got her man! LOL!
The visitation with the Herston family will take place tonight from 5:00 – 8:00PM and the service will be held tomorrow at 10:00AM. Everything will take place at Serenity Funeral Home in Theodore. Please continue to pray for the Herston family.
Deidra & Alisha will leave Sunday afternoon for their eight weeks in Guatemala. Pam will follow suit on Tuesday. Pray for these three young ladies along with Brandon & Soy as they work alongside GRACE Ministries this summer.
Our Vacation Bible School begins on Monday morning at 9:00AM. We are going to have a “rally” on Sunday night to begin the week. Pastor Terry Rainey will be here to minister to our 6th – 12th grade students Monday – Thursday nights (6:00 – 8:00PM). It is going to be an awesome week. Pray without ceasing!
The Cavs won last night which continues to fuel my belief that ultimately the Finals will be between the Cavs & Lakers. It is driven by television and the advertising dollar. I don’t like the Celtics!
I pray that you will have a great weekend with Jesus. Go to church! Be careful if you want to have a home Bible study or display the American flag in your office – wow!