
SATURDAY, 4/30/11

Bernard Suthoff’s daughter, Lisa, and her son, Zach, were involved in a serious automobile accident tonight.  It is 9:15PM and I just talked to Bernard via the phone.  He and Pattie left Dothan heading to Meridian, MS where the accident took place.  Zachary has a broken arm, concussion, and some other injuries.  He is in a Meridian hospital at the present time.  Lisa was flown to a hospital in Jackson, MS and Bernard believes her situation is perhaps critical.  They are having some problems getting information on Lisa.  Zachary will be transported to the same hospital where his mother is a patient.  Pray for Bernard & Pattie as they travel and pray for Lisa & Zachary.

Bro. Lonnie Miller passed from this life at 1:35PM this afternoon.  I so appreciate Cecil Guidry calling me and Polly sending me an e-mail update.  A service will take place on Tuesday night, 5/3, beginning at 6:00PM from the auditorium of Crawford Baptist Church.  Pray for Miss Carol and the entire Miller family.

We will be receiving an offering in our services tomorrow to help the folks affected by the tornadoes in north Alabama.  Pastor Jack Bailey, his associate, Joe David Bailey, and the members of Danville Baptist Church will administer these funds.  Our plans are to receive another offering next Sunday, 5/8.

Pray for these various needs.  Hope to see many of you in our services tomorrow.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

FRIDAY, 4/29/11

This post is being written “late” or “early” depending on your perspective.  It is 1:35AM and I just came in from mowing most of our yard.  It was pretty cool tonight and everything went well except for the one car that almost went into the ditch when he/she saw me mowing at 1:00AM.  Probably thought he must quit drinking so much!

Rusty Suthoff aka “little Bernard” and I will leave at 4:45AM bound for Dothan and the funeral service for Pattie’s dad.  We need to make a pitstop on the way.  I sure hope Rusty is a good driver as I plan on catching a few winks along the way.

The folks in the northern part of our state are suffering big time.  I have heard from several of them now and they do not have electricity, some are without water,  et cetera.  We certainly need to pray for them.  Wow, the death total is unreal!

Be forewarned – drive in west Mobile today at your own risk!  Stephanie Dunkley is taking Hien to take the test to get her driver’s license.  Personally, I would avoid Demetropolis Road at all costs!  If I were a betting man (which I am not). . . .   Maybe Hien will prove me wrong but I really do not think so!

We will be recognizing our senior adults in the 10:30AM service this Sunday, 5/1.  All senior adults are asked to attend that service.

Soy helped me mow grass yesterday afternoon.  I know – amazing!  Actually, it was either ride the mower or hoe the garden.  Now your understand!

The Lakers romped last night.  I wish Portland could have won but it is what it is.  At least Boston or Miami is definitely going home after the second round – hooray!

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus!

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |


Cooper Scott Stork made his appearance into this world early this afternoon weighing 6 pounds 12 ounces and is 20 inches long.  His oxygen level dropped shortly after his birth and he was placed in an oxygen tent.  Pray for him.  Congratulations to Todd & Kellie along with older brother, Conner.  Likewise to grandparents Scott & Nanette Fontenot and Bobby & Faye Stork.  Cannot leave out the great grandparents – Terrell & Marie Brooks and Vinnie Brewer.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

THURSDAY, 4/28/11

This entry is late but I can explain – have not been able to connect to our website until now (7:25AM).  Could connect to every site that I tried except this one.  I apologize and do not know what happened.

Kellie Fontenot Stork will have a c-section (do not know how to spell cesarean) at noon today and Cooper Stork will enter this world.  Pray for this procedure to go well.  Also, pray for Todd and the family as they wait beside her.

Carla Kyser will have a scan today and another one next Tuesday.  Pray that everything goes well.

Keep praying for Chuck Rockwell as he recovers from surgery and for Larry Whitehurst as he waits on his surgery.

Soy’s maternal grandmother passed away Tuesday night.  His mother, Myrna, left Memphis earlier Tuesday night to go visit her mother and did not find out that she had passed from this life until her arrival in Manila at some point last night.  Pray for Soy’s family.

Pattie Suthoff’s father, Mr. Calvin Gillespie, passed away yesterday afternoon.  It appears that visitation/service will take place tomorrow in the Dothan area.  Pray for Pattie and family.

128.  Wow!  That is the latest figure being given for the number of deaths in Alabama due to the extremely violent weather yesterday.  We certainly pray for those affected by those storms.  Folks, give me a hurricane any day of the week instead of a tornado.  You can flee from a hurricane days in advance but not so with a tornado.

I made a mistake – imagine that!  Bill ADkinson joined the church this past Sunday.  I misspelled his name in my earlier writings.  My apologies to Bill.

The NBA is rigged.  Do you really think they want the Grizzlies to advance?  Spurs in six!  (Just making sure you are awake!)  Kobe will be back on the court tonight with his severely injured foot – amazing that he can even walk!  Chris did not get me tickets – all talk but no game!

Yes, I am going to the hospital today for the delivery of the baby.  Nanette basically “chased” me down last night insisting that I be there for family pictures!  Scary stuff!

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

THIRD ENTRY – 4/27/11

Spoke to Larry Whitehurst via the phone around 4:45PM.  The doctor told him that his tumor is basically the size of an egg and must come out quickly.  Surgery is set for Thursday, May 12, which is the earliest the doctor and surgical room are available.  The doctor also said these tumors are not usually malignant but he obviously cannot make any promises.  So, pray as Larry waits until 5/12 for his surgery.

My younger brother, Freddie, lives in St. Clair County.  One of his neighbors was killed early this morning as a storm roared through their community.  A tree fell on the mobile home and landed on the lady as she was sleeping.  The folks in the northern part of Alabama have been hammered all day with violent weather.  We need to pray for them.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

SECOND ENTRY – 4/27/11

Bernard Suthoff just called (1:00PM) to say that his father-in-law, Mr. Calvin Gillespie, passed away.  Bernard & Pattie will be heading to the Dothan, AL this afternoon so pray for safety in their travels.

Chuck Rockwell did not come home from the hospital yesterday but is in hopes that today will be the day.

Larry Whitehurst had his appointment with the doctor changed from this morning (8:30) to this afternoon (2:30PM).

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

WEDNESDAY, 4/27/11

Visited with Chuck Rockwell yesterday morning.  He was doing “good” but had not gotten up for a walk at that point.  He was supposed to come home but I did not hear for certain that he was discharged.

Larry Whitehurst sees the doctor today for a consultation.  Carla Kyser has another scan (I think tomorrow).  Kellie Fontenot Stork is scheduled to deliver her baby tomorrow at noon.  Randy Tillman has a tumor in one of his lungs.  He sees the doctor for a biopsy next week.  Belvin McDonald continues to receive treatments too.  I saw Ross Hatcher last night and Betty Clair is supposed to see the specialist again today.  Pray for all of these folks!

Our monthly “potluck with the pastor” takes place today.  Thanks to Betty Creech for setting up the tables and chairs.  Thanks to Cecil Guidry for cooking the hams.  I hope many of you will join us for a great time of food and fellowship.  Bible study begins at 10:00AM followed by the meal.  Remember, Lisa & I are providing the meat & drinks while you are asked to bring the trimmings and desserts.

Thank God for the rain yesterday!  We are “supposed” to get more today.  God is good!  Our sod and garden loved yesterday’s rain and I loved not having to water them!

Wow!  Kobe basically played on one leg last night and led the Lakers to an important victory.  Reminded me of Willis Reed back in the day!  If Bro. Chris would get me good seats, I would go to NO for tomorrow night’s game.  Go Lakers!

We are on a normal schedule today/tonight.  The missions committee members are asked to meet with me at 6:00PM.

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus!

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

TUESDAY, 4/26/11

Chuck Rockwell did well through it surgery yesterday morning.  They are thinking he will be discharged from the hospital at some point today.

Carla Kyser has another scan this week, Larry Whitehurst meets with the neurosurgical oncologist tomorrow morning and Kellie Stork will give birth to her second child on Thursday (Nanette is insisting that I be there!).  Pray for these folks.

“Potluck with the Pastor” takes place tomorrow immediately following our morning service.  I hope a good number of folks will join us for Bible study, food, and fellowship.  Lisa and I are providing ham and drinks.  We need the others to bring the trimmings and desserts.

Have I mentioned the the NBA is rigged?  The Lakers were beaten again on Sunday night and Kobe was basically attacked by the Hornets which left him injured.  He is now forced to finish the playoffs on one leg.  What is up with that?  I have enjoyed watching the Grizzlies work on the Spurs but am not so sure they can finish them off.  Are the Celtics in the playoffs?

We will be having our annual “parent/child dedication” on Sunday, 5/8, (Mother’s Day) during the 10:30AM service.  Please call the office no later than next Wednesday, 5/4, to sign up.

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.

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MONDAY, 4/25/11

O what a Savior – hallelujah!  God blessed and we had an awesome Easter weekend!  The activities of Saturday went very well and were capped by the Easter musical that evening.  It was a good day!

Yesterday, we saw God bless in all four of our services.  He blessed as there were six additions to the Friendship family.  The attendance was strong in all four services.  Great Easter Sunday – to God be the glory!

It is a little after 4:00AM and I will soon head to the hospital to be with Chuck Rockwell and family as he will be having surgery this morning.  Pray that everything will go well.

Larry Whitehurst will meet with a neurosurgical oncologist this Wednesday morning to presumably schedule his surgery.

Todd & Kellie Stork are scheduled to become parents for the second time this Thursday, 4/28, around noon.

Carla Kyser has another scan later this week.  Pray for all of these needs.

In a bit of an unusual move, both Bro. Jerry & Bro. Kerry are on vacation this week.  They should be back in their respective places of service this coming Sunday, 5/1.

Our “potluck with the pastor” takes place this Wednesday, 4/27, immediately following the morning service.  The meat will be ham.  Lisa and I will provide the drinks too.  You bring the trimmings and desserts.  Bring someone with you!

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

FRIDAY, 4/22/11

Good Friday.  My thoughts today will definitely center on the sacrifice Jesus made for my sins.  He paid the ultimate price.  He was the only One Who could paid my debt.  O what a Savior!

I live by the adage that “no news is good news” and I heard nothing from the staff yesterday which must mean all is well.  I pray so.

Tomorrow is a huge day in the life of the Friendship family.  It begins early as our buses will be running their regular Sunday routes, Sunday School for the children will begin at 9:15AM followed by preschool church and children’s church at 10:10AM and concluding with an egg hunt around 11:15AM.  Pray that this will be a great time of sharing Jesus.

The adult choir will present the Easter musical at 6:00PM tomorrow night.  Please remember that this is a one time only presentation.  Invite others to join you for this special night of ministry as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.

Some of you are saying that today is a huge day as your loved ones will be returning home after eight days in Guatemala.  They are scheduled to arrive in Pensacola at 9:06PM.  Those riding the bus home from PNS should arrive at the church around 11:00 – 11:15PM.

Yesterday was house dedication day.  There were four professions of faith – to God be the glory!  The share time last night was good.  Bro. Chris did a nice job of leading the team.  A huge shout out to the adults who served as chaperones.  Good week!

Obviously, Sunday is a huge day too!  The best Sunday of the year!  We will have three morning worship services and our afternoon Spanish service.  Be in prayer for the services.  Ask someone to join you.  Come expecting.  I cannot imagine a child of God not wanting to be/not being in church on Easter.  Folks, this is the reason for our hope – Jesus is alive!

I pray that you will have an absolutely great Friday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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