Good morning from Norcross, Georgia. Lisa, Hien, and I are in a hotel here and will be leaving in a bit in order to drive to the U.S. Citizenship And Immigration Services offices so Hien can take her US citizenship test. We think she is more than ready and we anticipate her becoming a citizen today. Pray that her test and interview will go well and then pray that they will allow her to be sworn in today thus eliminating the need for a return trip.
We have to give major props to T. Garrett Wright for getting all of this together. He began months and months ago working on getting Hien a passport from Vietnam and getting her set up for this interview/test. T. Garrett is amazing when it comes to getting things done! Lisa and I really appreciate his diligence!
Betty Creech’s maternal aunt passed away yesterday morning. I do not know the arrangements but do ask that you pray for Betty’s mother and the family. I think today is the day for Vera Bosarge’s sister, Juanita, is having a heart cath today. Pray for her.
It will be a regular day at Friendship with Bro. Robbie Howard preaching in the 10:00AM & 7:00PM services. I pray the members of the Friendship family will be faithful!
Sammy Bowden, Carl Ray Moulds, and Roy Porter are to be thanked for their efforts in doing more electrical work on the east end of the CAB and bus barn yesterday. Mr. Porter came as a first time guest this past Sunday and volunteered his time/expertise two days later. Thanks, men!
We are going to have the work day in the CAB on Monday, 2/28, beginning at 8:00AM. We really need about 15 – 20 folks, men & women, to help us remove paneling, sheetrock, light fixtures, nails, et cetera. If possible, we need all of the rooms on the east end of the CAB cleaned out before Monday morning. We hope to get in and get out in a couple of hours but that does depend on how many folks show up. As Miss Kittie says, “many hands make light work!” Make plans to join us and bring hammers, nail pullers, et cetera.
By the way, if anyone wants to take a shop vac and work in the rooms on the west end that would be awesome! John Curl & Kenny Lingle are supposed to paint on Monday night so any time between now and then is good!
I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.
P.S. – Jack, I will take care of the fax tomorrow. Sorry for the delay!