“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10
Today’s Bible reading – Esther 9-10; Acts 7:1-21
First, I apologize for no entry yesterday. Courtney Cavin had asked to “fill in” for me one day while I was gone and yesterday was that day. Need I say more? Exactly! Pray for Chris!
I do appreciate Bro. Jerry Hovel sending me updates so I can keep all fourteen (can you believe it?) of our blog readers informed.
Today is an important day for Greg Boutwell as he has a consultation with his doctor concerning his legs. Folks, Greg needs our prayers and is so deserving of them. Would you stop right now and voice a prayer for Greg, his family, his doctors, et cetera?
Wanda Jordan has been discharged from the hospital. They will continue to evaluate her.
Miss Cora Martin either was moved to a rehab facility yesterday or that will happen today (I think).
Speaking of rehab facilities, keep praying for Nadine Holifield’s mother, Mrs Jones, as she continues to be in one.
Tommy Watson remains hospitalized and will be moving to the rehab week probably in a week or so.
Mark Mast’s father came through his surgery on Wednesday. He too will need to move to a rehab facility within time.
Pastor Joe David Bailey arrived home safe and sound from his mission trip yesterday afternoon. Thank God for his protection.
Regular schedule Sunday with Bro. Jerry filling the pulpit in all three services. Friendship family, be faithful!
Please note that the CAB will be open Sunday but with limitations. Folks will be asked to stay on the perimeter as the main floor will be off limits. Morris tells me the painting process has gone well and that Bernard has done a good job with the sprayer. We should be good to go for next Wednesday’s activities. As a matter of fact, the CAB will basically remained closed until Wednesday, 6/28. Thank you for your patience, understanding and cooperation.
I am about to shift over the the GRACE blog and give an update on the team that arrived yesterday.
I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.