
FRIDAY, 9/30/16

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.”  (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading – Malachi 1-4

One of Caroline Ford’s sons, Bradley Cumbie, is in the hospital battling a staph infection.  Pray that the antibiotics are effective.

Sherry Schlehuber has a couple, Paul & Irene, from Oklahoma who are long time friends.  Irene is now on life support and is not expected to live.  Sherry asked us to pray for them.

Maria and her family will once again be spending the weekend with her mother.  Pray for Mrs. Hamilton.

Carl Ray Moulds has a friend, James, to whom he has been ministering.  James is battling cancer and has other issues too.  Pray for him.

I have prayed for Greg Boutwell this morning as he continues to have problems with his legs/feet.  He is basically homebound.  Would you join me in praying for Greg?

Men’s breakfast in the morning (Saturday) from 8:00 – 9:00AM in the fellowship hall.  All men are invited to attend.

FYI – our Hope Sunday (10/16) is coming together very nicely!  I appreciate all of the help Carla Kyser is giving to this special day.  BTW, if you are a cancer survivor and would like a) to be recognized in that service, or b) have reserved seating for you family and friends, please contact Carla or me no later than Sunday, October 9.  This will allow us to make proper plans.  We certainly do not want to overlook anyone in this most important area.

It is around 3:00AM as I type this entry.  Walked outside a few minutes ago and it felt awesome!  The temperature is either 57 or 58 (depends on your source) and it feels a bit like Fall.  The humidity is supposed to be pretty low tonight and tomorrow.  I thank the Lord for this blessing!

During the lunch hour yesterday I was able to attend “grandparents day” at Breitling Elementary.  Translated, “grandparents day” means book fair which means give your grandchildren money to buy books!  What ever happened to “grandparents day” being simply sharing a meal at school with your grandchildren?  I have contacted the AG’s office about this matter!

Logan Wainwright is like the best small engine mechanic in the world!  Just saying!

Was able to jump on the mower after I got off work (waiting for the laughter to die down) yesterday afternoon and get a head start on the grass cutting.  Of course, Charles was outside and basically demanded that I mow his yard first which I did.  Lord willing, today will see me working in the yard all day today before heading toward Tuscaloosa.

We are on a regular schedule this Sunday morning and evening.

Lord willing, I will be out of town in the morning so I am not sure if I will post an entry or not.  Just FYI in case there is not an entry.

I am going out on a limb and picking Louisville to beat Clemson tomorrow night.  (Please do not tell Pastor Terry Rainey about this pick!)  I hope I am wrong as I like Coach Dabo.  I am also picking Bama to beat UK if they have any players left!  Pee Wee is already in Tuscaloosa and may have to suit up!

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.

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THURSDAY, 9/29/16

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.”  (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading – Nehemiah 11-13; Psalms 126

Winston Gulley & Dana Faucett were both discharged from the hospitals yesterday.  That is good news!  At the moment, we have no one from the Friendship family in the hospital – praise the Lord!

Keep praying for those folks who are battling cancer as they go through treatments, et cetera.

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

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WEDNESDAY, 9/28/16

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.”  (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading – Nehemiah 8-10

The surgery on Dana Faucett went well.  Her mother, Miss Mary, seems to think Dana will be discharged from the hospital at some point today.  Let me say a big “thank you” to Myrtle Bowden for driving Dana to the hospital early yesterday morning so that Miss Mary could stay home and get all of the children to school.  What a kind act by Myrtle!

Heard from Debbie Kendrick last night and Bill’s surgery went well too.  If all goes as planned, he will have an additional surgery in three or four weeks.  (Bill does not know this but I plan on having a tattoo artist put a script A on his right forearm while he is out the next time!  I think he will like it!  LOL!)

Visited with Winston and he is hopeful that he will be discharged today.  He is ready to come home.

Keep praying for Maria Wainwright’s mother, Mrs. Hamilton, in Louisiana.

Andy Hamil sent me an e-mail from the hills of Tennessee.  He said all is well with the senior adults group.  That is good news!

We are on a regular schedule this morning and tonight.  Bible study this morning at 10:00AM, children’s choir at 5:30PM, adult choir at 6:30PM, RA’s/GA’s at 6:30PM, preschool classes/nursery at 6:30PM, middle school and high school Bible study at 6:30PM, Bible study in the auditorium at 6:30PM, Bible study at our house at 7:30PM.

The fare for tonight’s 7:30PM Bible study is poppy seed chicken with all of the trimmings.  We are doing this for Zach Huhn even though he is in Starkville.  My wife does an amazing job of providing these Wednesday night meals!

As I mentioned in Sunday morning’s message, I blew a ministry opportunity last week.  Graciously, the Lord gave me another opportunity yesterday.  I am grateful.  Looking and listening!

Steve Morris has spent the past two days mowing the back forty.  I appreciate it!  Looks good!  Thanks to Jeff Holifield for getting the mower repaired.

Richard Tillman did some much needed repair work on one of our roofs yesterday.  I am very thankful.  It “appears” that he also found the “light bulb” leak in the auditorium and corrected that problem.

Can it be true that cooler temps are on the way?  50’s for the next three mornings?  Humidity in the fifty percent range?  That is great!  I do not complain about the weather as God knows what He is doing.  However, I am very grateful for cooler/cold temperatures.

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.



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TUESDAY, 9/27/16

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.”  (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading – Nehemiah 6-7

Dana Faucett will have surgery this morning.  Pray that all goes well.

Bill Kendrick will also have surgery today.  His is going to be an outpatient procedure so he should come home later today.

Winston Gulley was doing well when I visited with him yesterday.  He thinks that he will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow.

A group of our senior adults left yesterday headed to the national quartet convention in Tennessee.  Cecil Guidry is leading this group.  Pray for them to have a good week.

We had a pretty good attendance for our prayer time last night.  It came a pretty serious rain shortly after 5:00PM which may have limited some folks in their coming to the auditorium.  One website says we got 1.9″ of rain but I think we may have gotten more than that on Potter Tract Road.  I know the ditches were filled!  I do know it all came in a very short period of time.

I did not watch the debate last night.  In my opinion, the liberal media is going to do all they can to make their candidate look good.  It is my understanding that is exactly what happened.  Both candidates have a track record that I can examine and I can read so why do I need to get my blood pressure elevated by watching a debate?

Have to get in some time over the next few days to prepare for the pastors’ conference in El Salvador which takes place next week.  Pray that my schedule will allow me to do so.  I need a quiet place to make this happen.

Regular schedule tomorrow morning and evening.

Our “Hope Sunday” is going to be a special day.  We will have a guest speaker in the 8:00AM service, guest speakers in the 10:30AM service and then an out of town guest speaker in the 6:00PM evening service.  Working on some other things for the other Sundays in October.  Will be announcing the date/time of our annual Hallelujah Festival after this Sunday.  Pray for the month of October!

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.

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Our weekly prayer time will take place tonight from 5:00 – 7:00PM in the auditorium.  Enter/exit through the West side door.

GROW visitation begins at 6:00PM.  Meet Bro. Jerry Hovel in the church office.

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MONDAY, 9/26/16

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.”  (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading – Nehemiah 1-5

Tuesday, September 27 – Nehemiah 6-7
Wednesday, September 28 – Nehemiah 8-10
Thursday, September 29 – Nehemiah 11-13; Psalms 126
Friday, September 30 – Malachi 1-4

Maria Wainwright’s mother, Mrs. Hamilton, was given the choice to remain hospitalized or be discharged.  Obviously, she chose to go home.  The doctors are not optimistic.  Pray for Mrs. Hamilton and her family.

A good Sunday!  God is good!  He is faithful!  What a blessing to see one salvation decision in yesterday’s 10:30AM service and then to see five folks follow Jesus in believers’ baptism as a part of last night’s service.  God gives the increase and we continue to give Him all of the glory!

Men’s breakfast this Saturday morning, October 1, beginning at 8:00AM in the fellowship hall.  All men are invited to attend.

Operation Christmas Child boxes will be available from mid-October until some point in November.  If you need more information about this ministry, contact Reb Nevin.

October 2016 is going to center around “hope” with our annual “Hope Sunday” taking place on October 16.  We are also asking folks to be faithful in our evening services as we will have “October Nights!”

Congratulations to Pastor Joe David Bailey!  The Danville Baptist Church family extended a call to him yesterday morning.  He will assume the duties of pastor effective January 1, 2017.   Joe David is a great friend and I am very, very happy for him!

Did they really fire Les Miles?  I will admit that I do not understand the inner workings of the business side of college athletics but this seems crazy to me.  He was 114 – 34 in his eleven plus seasons.  Five top ten finishes, two SEC championships, one national championship, another appearance in the national championship game and the second winningest coach in the history of LSU football. Rusty is upset!  Basically begged me to take up an offering for Miles in last night’s service.  Has a Fathead of Miles in his living room.  He has set up a counseling appointment with me each day of this week.

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.



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SATURDAY, 9/24/16

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.”  (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading – Esther 6-10

Ladies, remember the wedding shower for Brandi & Brad today from 2:00 – 4:00PM in the fellowship hall!

Regular schedule tomorrow morning and evening.  Baptism in the evening service.

Thanks for Jeff Holifield for covering the hospitals for me yesterday.

I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.

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FRIDAY, 9/23/16

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.”  (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading – Esther 1-5

Bro. Jerry handled the hospital visits yesterday as I was taking a vacation day.  He reports that Winston Gulley was doing good and Tony Blackwell was waiting on the doctors to determine the next move in his situation.

Bernard finishes his radiation treatments today – hooray!

Carla K spent all day Wednesday in appointments with doctors and having fluid drawn from one of her lungs.  She is using that as an excuse for missing the service on Wednesday night but I am not buying!

Important – I normally do not do shower announcements in this space.  (Used to but then all of the legal stuff factored into it)  There is a wedding shower tomorrow, 9/24, for Brandi Wescovich and Brad Morgan.  It will take place in the church fellowship hall from 2:00 – 4:00PM.  They are registered at Bed, Bath & Beyond (gift cards available at Walgreens in Grand Bay) and Grand Bay Feed & Seed (gift cards not available at Walgreens in Grand Bay).  Ladies, please take note and attend, if possible.

Technology amazes me!  Lisa and I are traveling today and will eventually end up in Tuscaloosa for the game tomorrow.  She has taken over the driving so I can blog.  Amazing!

I spent almost all day yesterday on a mower.  Had a very nice assist from Jonny the Baptist Gaston.  Had no assistance from Soy or Rusty but what else is new?  Believe it or not, I enjoyed the day.

Dr. Jack Bailey does not read this blog.  I sure hope none of our twelve readers tell him that we got a nice rain shower yesterday afternoon!  (12?  Still not convinced my niece, Jamie, is back on board!  Just saying!)

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.


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I failed to mention in my entry earlier today that our youngest grandchild, Audrey, celebrated her second birthday today.  She was born on Monday, 9/22/14, at 1:08PM, weighed seven eleven and was nineteen and half inches long.  (Deidra is going to be so impressed that I remembered all of those figures!)  We had her party this past Sunday but today is her date of birth.  She is a sweetheart!  Happy birthday Audrey!

She is our youngest grandchild but she also is not our youngest grandchild.  What?

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THURSDAY, 9/22/16

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.”  (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading – Zechariah 8-14

Winston Gulley did well through his surgery.  In somewhat of an unusual twist, he was actually moved up on the list and they took him early.  As a matter of fact, I literally ran them down in the hallway in order to have prayer with him before he entered the surgical suite.

Judy Blackwell’s son, Tony, suffered a stroke yesterday and is in the hospital.  Not sure of the severity of it.  I am also not sure of Tony’s age.  I have basically known him most of his life so he still seems really young to me even though he has at least one son in his teens.  Pray for Tony.

Maria Wainwright’s mother is in a hospital in Louisiana.  It is my understanding that she is not doing well.  I spoke to Logan following last night’s service and they are very concerned for her physical well being.  Pray for Mrs. Hamilton and the family.

Chris & Courtney Cavin had a very young neighbor (around 16 or 17 years old) to unexpectedly pass from this life on Saturday night.  Pray for that family and for Chris & Courtney as they seek to minister to them.

Bernard Suthoff has a radiation treatment today and then his final one in the morning.  He has seemingly done very well with these treatments.

Greg & Holly Lybarger will be moving to Colorado.  Holly is a NP and will be running an urgent care clinic there for a hospital.  She recently got a good report regarding her battle against cancer.  Of course, Holly is the daughter of Rob & Reb Nevin.

We had a good day in our services/Bible studies yesterday/last night.  We give God the glory.

We plan on observing the ordinance of baptism this Sunday evening, 9/25, as a part of our worship service.  Anyone desiring to follow the Lord in believers’ baptism needs to contact me personally beforehand for instructions.

The college football weekend begins tonight with the Clemson @ Georgia Tech game.  Both teams are 3 – 0 but I am going to take the Tigers in this one. (Have to remain friends with Pastor Rainey and Bro. Eddie Burdette!)

I am a cool/cold weather person.  Always have been.  The long range forecast is calling for our night time lows to begin to stay in the 60’s  starting next Tuesday night and our day time highs in the mid 80’s.  I am always ready for Fall!  Day time highs in the 60’s and night time lows in the 40’s (or colder) would be excellent!  However, I am aware that we live on the Gulf Coast and that is not happening.  I am totally good with that!

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.


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