WEDNESDAY, 8/31/22
Camp 20 remains our emphasis. The Lord allowed me the opportunity to use some of my twenty minutes sharing about Jesus yesterday along with the prayer time and Bible reading. How about you?
If you want to give financially to Camp 20 then just place your money or check in an offering envelope and write the amount being given and “Camp 20” on the designated side of the envelope. Remember, we have thirteen Sundays in September, October and November to give to this emphasis. The amount given to date stands at $1,250. Our goal by 11/30/22 is $5,500. I will keep a running tab of our up to date gifts on this blog at least once per week.
Our women’s ministry has a diaper give away monthly. They are running short on diapers. Please consider helping this ministry. You can leave your donations in the auditorium foyer. Thank you!
Regular schedule on our campus today – morning and evening. Our college students meet at 7:30PM with Martin & Jennifer Brinkman. I “think” they are going to be meeting on campus beginning tonight but I am not positive of the location.
This Sunday evening, 9/4, our evening service will begin at 5:00PM as will our children’s choir. There will be no other evening classes or activities for the day. Sunday morning will be normal.
Deacon led church will fellowship at Presley’s Outing on Sunday, September 25, from 4:00 – 7:00PM. The church will provide the hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks. You are asked to bring the sides and desserts.
We will be observing the ordinance of baptism as a part of that fellowship. More details to come.
I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.