TUESDAY, 6/16/09
“Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.” (I Thessalonians 5:14)
This verse came to my yesterday as I thought about my friend, Pastor Jack Bailey. I want to be a help to him per the instructions to “comfort the feebleminded” so I am going to try to be patient with him and understand his situation. I checked Pastor Michael Mason’s blog yesterday and, as I looked at his picture, realized the striking resemblance between Michael & Jack – I don’t know if I had ever noticed that before. I have always known they act alike but the “looks” thing kinda caught me off guard. (BTW, Pastor Michael had not updated his blog! Surprised?) I think Rex Looney should start a blog!
Bro. Chris tweeted. It simply said that there were 13 students who made decisions during the service on Sunday night. Praise the Lord! I haven’t gotten a report from yesterday/last night’s services. Dale hasn’t tweeted – twitter!
Kevin Vice’s mother, Betty Hickman, will have a heart cath today. They may have to replace a stent. Karla Teasley Bosarge’s father, Bill Teasley, will have knee replacement surgery today. Pray for these folks as they go through these procedures.
Betty Hamil was admitted to the hospital yesterday afternoon. She has been sick for over a month and the doctors can’t find the root of her problem. Their daughter, Margie, who is a medical doctor will come home this week to check on her mother. Eugene Whitehurst remains hospitalized too but is making some improvement. Carla Kyser is having her treatment next Tuesday and not today. Mama Marisa made a mistake – imagine that! Pray for these folks!
The Dalraida Baptist team staying in the mission house has been able to host some medical clinics thanks to medicines made available through GRACE/John & Laurie King. It has been a “different” trip for them but they have handled it well. The Fab Five are doing good!
I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.